Will sort by updated_dated, page = 1, page size = 50
with pagination: /access-control-privileges?{application_id}&page={pageNumber}&size={pageSize}
if one of them is missing, then use the default values, e.g. if page number is 1 and no pageSize is provided, then use the default 50 for pageSize
with Sort /access_control_privileges?{application_id}&sortBy={columnName}
should reject a call if an invalid column name is provided, 400 Bad request
default page number and page size should apply if not present
with Search /access-control-privileges?{application_id}&search={keyWord}
should be able to encode and decode search string, e.g. a space would be %20
default page number and page size should apply if not present
maintain the current privileges
should return an x-total-count header
return an Empty list [] if there's no hit
Acceptance Criteria
[ ] An x-total-count header
[x] A page number that starts with 1 defaulted to 1, a page size defaulted to 50, with a max limit of 100 items per page.
[x] Sort by columns, default sort by username create_date, should be able to sort by all columns
[x] Search by keyword on columns [ username, full name, email, client number, Role display_name]
[x] Make a PR to a feature branch
Additional Context
We will be adding forest client name to this endpoint later.
This will break frontend's user table if deployed, so it should be deployed to a feature branch, the feature branch will be merged to main once frontend is ready
Paginate the results displayed on the Delegated Admin table
Endpoint design:
, page = 1, page size = 50/access-control-privileges?{application_id}&page={pageNumber}&size={pageSize}
if there's no hitAcceptance Criteria
[ ] Anx-total-count
headerusernamecreate_date, should be able to sort by all columnsAdditional Context We will be adding forest client name to this endpoint later. This will break frontend's user table if deployed, so it should be deployed to a feature branch, the feature branch will be merged to
once frontend is ready