bcgov / nr-spar

SPAR app from FDS (Forestry Digital Services)
Apache License 2.0
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Update screen five to add tested parent tree pct on backend #402

Closed thiagosanchezenc closed 8 months ago

thiagosanchezenc commented 1 year ago

The tested_parent_tree_pct information should be stored in the seedlot_genetic_worth table for each trait calculated for the seedlot. Also, the parent_tree_number should be saved on seedlot_parent_tree and smp_mix tables whenever data is stored on those tables.

thiagosanchezenc commented 1 year ago

The following script adds a new tested_parent_tree_pct column to seedlot_genetic_worth table and parent_tree_number column to seedlot_parent_tree and smp_mix tables. It recreates the tables so that the tested_parent_tree_pct and the seedlot_number can be created in a specific position at those tables. Recreation can only be done because we are not yet using the tables to store data in any environment, not even for testing purposes.

-- All tables in the script need to be recreated as there is no other way to add columns in a specific position. Once a table is being used by the application, it will only be possible to add columns at the end of the table.
-- Moving tested_parent_tree_cont_pct column from seedlot table to seedlot_genetic_worth table.
alter table spar.seedlot drop column tested_parent_tree_cont_pct;
alter table spar.seedlot drop column coancestry;

alter table spar.seedlot rename column storage_client_number to temporary_strg_client_number;
alter table spar.seedlot rename column storage_locn_code to temporary_strg_locn_code;
alter table spar.seedlot rename column temporary_storage_start_date to temporary_strg_start_date;
alter table spar.seedlot rename column temporary_storage_end_date to temporary_strg_end_date;

alter table spar.seedlot add column interm_strg_locn varchar(55);
comment on column spar.seedlot.interm_strg_locn is 'The location where the tree seed was stored during interim storage. Can be used if users did not enter a registered client data.';

drop table spar.seedlot_genetic_worth;

create table spar.seedlot_genetic_worth (
    seedlot_number              varchar(5) not null,
    genetic_worth_code          varchar(3) not null,
    genetic_quality_value           decimal(4, 1) not null,
    tested_parent_tree_cont_pct     decimal(6, 2),
    entry_userid                varchar(30) not null, 
    entry_timestamp             timestamp not null, 
    update_userid               varchar(30) not null, 
    update_timestamp            timestamp not null, 
    revision_count              int not null,
    constraint seedlot_genetic_worth_pk 
        primary key(seedlot_number, genetic_worth_code),
    constraint seedlot_genet_worth_seedlot_fk 
        foreign key(seedlot_number) references spar.seedlot(seedlot_number)

comment on table spar.seedlot_genetic_worth is 'A subclassification of Genetic Quality for "A" class Seedlots.';
comment on column spar.seedlot_genetic_worth.seedlot_number is 'The unique number (key) assigned to a quantity of seed of a particular species and quality from a given location collected at a given time.';
comment on column spar.seedlot_genetic_worth.genetic_worth_code is 'A code which represents a subclassification of Genetic Quality for "A" class seedlots.';
comment on column spar.seedlot_genetic_worth.genetic_quality_value is 'The rating for a subclassification of Genetic Quality for "A" class seedlots.';
comment on column spar.seedlot_genetic_worth.tested_parent_tree_cont_pct is 'Percentage of parent trees that were tested for the trait and contributed to the seedlot';
comment on column spar.seedlot_genetic_worth.entry_userid is 'The userid of the individual that entered the Seedlot Genetic Worth.';
comment on column spar.seedlot_genetic_worth.entry_timestamp is 'The time and date a Seedlot Genetic Worth was entered onto the system.';
comment on column spar.seedlot_genetic_worth.update_userid is 'The userid of the individual that changed the Seedlot Genetic Worth.';
comment on column spar.seedlot_genetic_worth.update_timestamp is 'The time and date a Seedlot Genetic Worth was last updated on the system.';
comment on column spar.seedlot_genetic_worth.revision_count is 'A counter used to ensure data integrity. This item should be incremented during each update.';

-- Adding parent_tree_number to seedlot_parent_tree table. Need to recreate the tables that references seedlot_parent_tree (seedlot_parent_tree_smp_mix and seedlot_parent_tree_gen_qlty).
drop table spar.seedlot_parent_tree_smp_mix;
drop table spar.seedlot_parent_tree_gen_qlty;
drop table spar.seedlot_parent_tree;

create table spar.seedlot_parent_tree (
    seedlot_number          varchar(5) not null,
    parent_tree_id          int not null,
    parent_tree_number      varchar(5) not null,
    cone_count          decimal(20, 10) not null,
    pollen_count            decimal(20, 10) not null,
    smp_success_pct         int,
    non_orchard_pollen_contam_pct   int,
        entry_userid            varchar(30) not null,
        entry_timestamp         timestamp not null,
        update_userid           varchar(30) not null,
        update_timestamp        timestamp not null,
    revision_count          int not null,
    constraint seedlot_parent_tree_pk 
        primary key(seedlot_number, parent_tree_id),
    constraint seedlot_parent_tree_seedlot_fk 
        foreign key(seedlot_number) references spar.seedlot(seedlot_number)

comment on table spar.seedlot_parent_tree is 'The contribution of Parent Trees (with their cone and pollen quantity of each Parent Tree) to an Orchard Seedlot (Genetic Class = "A")';
comment on column spar.seedlot_parent_tree.seedlot_number is 'The unique number (key) assigned to a quantity of seed of a particular species and quality from a given location collected at a given time.';
comment on column spar.seedlot_parent_tree.parent_tree_id is 'A unique identifier for each Parent Tree.';
comment on column spar.seedlot_parent_tree.parent_tree_number is 'The original registration number given to a Parent Tree in conjunction with a Species Code.';
comment on column spar.seedlot_parent_tree.cone_count is 'The number of cones counted or estimated from each Parent Tree for a Seedlot.';
comment on column spar.seedlot_parent_tree.pollen_count is 'The amount of pollen counted or estimated for each Parent Tree in the Seedlot.';
comment on column spar.seedlot_parent_tree.smp_success_pct is 'The estimated success (percent) of the supplemental mass pollination mix on the Parent Trees in the Orchard.';
comment on column spar.seedlot_parent_tree.non_orchard_pollen_contam_pct is 'Non-orchard pollen contamination (%).';
comment on column spar.seedlot_parent_tree.entry_userid is 'The userid of the individual that entered the Seedlot Parent Tree.';
comment on column spar.seedlot_parent_tree.entry_timestamp is 'The time and date a Seedlot Parent Tree was entered onto the system.';
comment on column spar.seedlot_parent_tree.update_userid is 'The userid of the individual that changed the Seedlot Parent Tree.';
comment on column spar.seedlot_parent_tree.update_timestamp is 'The time and date a Seedlot Parent Tree was last updated on the system.';
comment on column spar.seedlot_parent_tree.revision_count is 'A counter used to ensure data integrity. This item should be incremented during each update.';

create table spar.seedlot_parent_tree_gen_qlty (
    seedlot_number          varchar(5) not null,
    parent_tree_id          int not null,
    genetic_type_code       varchar(2) not null,
    genetic_worth_code      varchar(3) not null,
    genetic_quality_value       decimal(4, 1) not null,
    estimated_ind           boolean, 
    untested_ind            boolean, 
        entry_userid            varchar(30) not null,
        entry_timestamp         timestamp not null,
        update_userid           varchar(30) not null,
        update_timestamp        timestamp not null,
    revision_count          int,
    constraint seedlot_parent_tree_gen_qlt_pk 
        primary key(seedlot_number, parent_tree_id, genetic_type_code, genetic_worth_code),
    constraint sl_ptree_genqly_sl_ptree_fk 
        foreign key(seedlot_number, parent_tree_id) references spar.seedlot_parent_tree(seedlot_number, parent_tree_id)

comment on table spar.seedlot_parent_tree_gen_qlty is 'The Genetic Worth value(s) for an Orchard Seedlot (Genetic Class = "A") calculated from the Genetic Quality (Breeding Values) of the Parent Trees contributing to the Seedlot.';
comment on column spar.seedlot_parent_tree_gen_qlty.seedlot_number is 'The unique number (key) assigned to a quantity of seed of a particular species and quality from a given location collected at a given time.';
comment on column spar.seedlot_parent_tree_gen_qlty.parent_tree_id is 'A unique identifier for each Parent Tree.';
comment on column spar.seedlot_parent_tree_gen_qlty.genetic_type_code is 'Describes the comparative measure of genetic value for a specific genetic trait of a Parent Tree.  Examples are BV (Breeding Value) and CV (Clonal Value).';
comment on column spar.seedlot_parent_tree_gen_qlty.genetic_worth_code is 'A code describing various Genetic Worths.';
comment on column spar.seedlot_parent_tree_gen_qlty.genetic_quality_value is 'The Genetic Quality value based on the test assessment for a Parent Tree from a test no. and series.';
comment on column spar.seedlot_parent_tree_gen_qlty.estimated_ind is 'Indicates whether or not the test result was estimated. A Genetic Quality value of 2.0 is estimated for Untested Parent Trees (i.e. Parent Trees without an Area of Use) or for Tested Parent Trees (i.e. Parent Trees with an Area of Use) without a Genetic.';
comment on column spar.seedlot_parent_tree_gen_qlty.untested_ind is 'Indicates whether or not the test result was estimated for an untested Parent Tree.';
comment on column spar.seedlot_parent_tree_gen_qlty.entry_userid is 'The userid of the individual that entered the Seedlot Parent Tree Genetic Quality.';
comment on column spar.seedlot_parent_tree_gen_qlty.entry_timestamp is 'The time and date a Seedlot Parent Tree Genetic Quality was entered onto the system.';
comment on column spar.seedlot_parent_tree_gen_qlty.update_userid is 'The userid of the individual that changed the Seedlot Parent Tree Genetic Quality.';
comment on column spar.seedlot_parent_tree_gen_qlty.update_timestamp is 'The time and date a Seedlot Parent Tree Genetic Quality was last updated on the system.';
comment on column spar.seedlot_parent_tree_gen_qlty.revision_count is 'A counter used to ensure data integrity. This item should be incremented during each update.';

create table spar.seedlot_parent_tree_smp_mix (
    seedlot_number          varchar(5) not null,
    parent_tree_id          int not null,
    genetic_type_code       varchar(2) not null,
    genetic_worth_code      varchar(3) not null,
    genetic_quality_value       decimal(4, 1) not null,
        entry_userid            varchar(30) not null,
        entry_timestamp         timestamp not null,
        update_userid           varchar(30) not null,
        update_timestamp        timestamp not null,
    revision_count          int not null,
    constraint seedlot_parent_tree_smp_mix_pk 
        primary key(seedlot_number, parent_tree_id, genetic_type_code, genetic_worth_code),
    constraint sl_ptree_smp_mix_sl_ptree_fk 
        foreign key(seedlot_number, parent_tree_id) references spar.seedlot_parent_tree(seedlot_number, parent_tree_id)

comment on table spar.seedlot_parent_tree_smp_mix is 'Supplemental Mass Polination for a given Seedlot, Parent Tree, Genetic Type and Genetic worth combination.';
comment on column spar.seedlot_parent_tree_smp_mix.seedlot_number is 'The unique number (key) assigned to a quantity of seed of a particular species and quality from a given location collected at a given time.';
comment on column spar.seedlot_parent_tree_smp_mix.parent_tree_id is 'A unique identifier for each Parent Tree.';
comment on column spar.seedlot_parent_tree_smp_mix.genetic_type_code is 'Describes the comparative measure of genetic value for a specific genetic trait of a Parent Tree. Examples are BV (Breeding Value) and CV (Clonal Value).';;
comment on column spar.seedlot_parent_tree_smp_mix.genetic_worth_code is 'A code describing various Genetic Worths.';;
comment on column spar.seedlot_parent_tree_smp_mix.genetic_quality_value is 'The Genetic Quality value based on the test assessment for a Parent Tree from a test no. and series.';
comment on column spar.seedlot_parent_tree_smp_mix.entry_userid is 'The userid of the individual that entered the Parent Tree SMP mix';
comment on column spar.seedlot_parent_tree_smp_mix.entry_timestamp is 'The time and date a Parent Tree SMP mix was entered onto the system.';
comment on column spar.seedlot_parent_tree_smp_mix.update_userid is 'The userid of the individual that changed the Parent Tree SMP mix.';
comment on column spar.seedlot_parent_tree_smp_mix.update_timestamp is 'The time and date a Parent Tree SMP mix was last updated on the system.';
comment on column spar.seedlot_parent_tree_smp_mix.revision_count is 'A counter used to ensure data integrity. This item should be incremented during each update.';

-- Adding parent_tree_number to seedlot_parent_tree table. Need to recreate the table that references smp_mix (smp_mix_gen_qlty).
drop table spar.smp_mix_gen_qlty;
drop table spar.smp_mix;

create table spar.smp_mix (
    seedlot_number          varchar(5) not null,
    parent_tree_id          int not null,
    parent_tree_number      varchar(5) not null,
    amount_of_material      int not null,
    proportion          decimal(20,10),
    entry_userid            varchar(30) not null, 
    entry_timestamp         timestamp not null, 
    update_userid           varchar(30) not null, 
    update_timestamp        timestamp not null, 
    revision_count          int not null,
    constraint smp_mix_pk 
        primary key(seedlot_number, parent_tree_id),
    constraint smp_mix_seedlot_fk 
        foreign key(seedlot_number) references spar.seedlot(seedlot_number)

comment on table spar.smp_mix is 'A table listing the individual Parent Trees that contributed to the Supplemental Mass Pollination mix of an Orchard Seedlot (Genetic Class = "A").';
comment on column spar.smp_mix.seedlot_number is 'The unique number (key) assigned to a quantity of seed of a particular species and quality from a given location collected at a given time.';
comment on column spar.smp_mix.parent_tree_id is 'A unique identifier for each Parent Tree.';
comment on column spar.smp_mix.parent_tree_number is 'The original registration number given to a Parent Tree in conjunction with a Species Code.';
comment on column spar.smp_mix.amount_of_material is 'The amount of Parent Tree material used for calculating the proportion of mix. Usually a volume recorded in mL.';
comment on column spar.smp_mix.proportion is 'The proportion of each Parent Tree material used for calculating SMP mix.';
comment on column spar.smp_mix.entry_userid is 'The userid of the individual that entered the SMP mix.';
comment on column spar.smp_mix.entry_timestamp is 'The time and date a SMP mix was entered onto the system.';
comment on column spar.smp_mix.update_userid is 'The userid of the individual that changed the SMP mix.';
comment on column spar.smp_mix.update_timestamp is 'The time and date a SMP mix was last updated on the system.';
comment on column spar.smp_mix.revision_count is 'A counter used to ensure data integrity. This item should be incremented during each update.';

create table spar.smp_mix_gen_qlty (
    seedlot_number          varchar(5) not null,
    parent_tree_id          int not null,
    genetic_type_code       varchar(2) not null,
    genetic_worth_code      varchar(3) not null,
    genetic_quality_value       decimal(4, 1) not null,
    estimated_ind           boolean, 
        entry_userid            varchar(30) not null,
        entry_timestamp         timestamp not null,
        update_userid           varchar(30) not null,
        update_timestamp        timestamp not null,
    revision_count          int not null,
    constraint smp_mix_gen_qlty_pk 
        primary key(seedlot_number, parent_tree_id, genetic_type_code, genetic_worth_code),
    constraint smp_mix_gen_qlty_smp_mix_pk 
        foreign key(seedlot_number, parent_tree_id) references spar.smp_mix(seedlot_number, parent_tree_id)

comment on table spar.smp_mix_gen_qlty is 'The calculated Genetic Worth value(s) for the Supplemental Mass Pollination mix that contributed to an Orchard Seedlot (Genetic Class = "A") the Parent Trees contributing to a Seedlot.';
comment on column spar.smp_mix_gen_qlty.seedlot_number is 'The unique number (key) assigned to a quantity of seed of a particular species and quality from a given location collected at a given time.';
comment on column spar.smp_mix_gen_qlty.parent_tree_id is 'A unique identifier for each Parent Tree.';
comment on column spar.smp_mix_gen_qlty.genetic_type_code is 'Describes the comparative measure of genetic value for a specific genetic trait of a Parent Tree. Examples are BV (Breeding Value) and CV (Clonal Value).';
comment on column spar.smp_mix_gen_qlty.genetic_worth_code is 'A code describing various Genetic Worths.';
comment on column spar.smp_mix_gen_qlty.genetic_quality_value is 'The Genetic Quality value based on the test assessment for a Parent Tree from a test no. and series.';
comment on column spar.smp_mix_gen_qlty.entry_userid is 'The userid of the individual that entered the SMP mix Genetic Quality.';
comment on column spar.smp_mix_gen_qlty.entry_timestamp is 'The time and date a SMP mix Genetic Quality was entered onto the system.';
comment on column spar.smp_mix_gen_qlty.update_userid is 'The userid of the individual that changed the SMP mix Genetic Quality.';
comment on column spar.smp_mix_gen_qlty.update_timestamp is 'The time and date a SMP mix Genetic Quality was last updated on the system.';
comment on column spar.smp_mix_gen_qlty.revision_count is 'A counter used to ensure data integrity. This item should be incremented during each update.';
craigyu commented 8 months ago

investigated in #761