bcgov / ols-devkit

Developer Tool Kit using the BC Address Geocoder, BC Route Planner and the Geomark Web Service
Apache License 2.0
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In demo app, address tab, display admin areas with every geocoded address #189

Closed mraross closed 3 years ago

mraross commented 3 years ago

Demonstrate to developers how to use the geocoder to find admin areas for a civic address by displaying the CHSA of last geocoded address in the left panel, below the Examples. Here is a possible layout:

\<last geocoded address> is in the following admin areas: CHSA: <\some-community-health-service-area>

All the above admin areas are returned with a single WFS request as follows:,POINT(1195413.0%20382453.0))&propertyName=CMNTY_HLTH_SERV_AREA_NAME,LOCAL_HLTH_AREA_NAME,HLTH_SERVICE_DLVR_AREA_NAME,HLTH_AUTHORITY_NAME&outputFormat=application%2Fjson

mraross commented 3 years ago

Display LHA, CSDA, and HA using results of a single request to the CHSA feature type in the WFS. We have confirmed with the custodian that all admin area names and codes in the CHSA record are current and accurate.


cmhodgson commented 3 years ago

This has been completed, PR'd and merged now.

mraross commented 3 years ago

Verified in test