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GDF Test Case 15 fails with crossing cost multiplier of 1.1 #250

Closed mraross closed 3 years ago

mraross commented 4 years ago


mraross commented 4 years ago

The original test case used a multiplier of 1.5. If I set the multiplier to 1.2, the test succeeds.


Here's the tuning string used: globalDistortionField=alleyway:1.2,alleyway.truck:1.1,arterial_major:1.01,arterial_major.truck:1.01,arterial_minor:1.01,arterial_minor.truck:1.01,collector_major:1.01,collector_major.truck:1.01,collector_minor:1.01,collector_minor.truck:1.01,driveway:1.2,driveway.truck:1.1,ferry:1,ferry.truck:1,freeway:1,freeway.truck:1,highway_major:1,highway_major.truck:1,highway_minor:1,highway_minor.truck:1,lane:1.01,lane.truck:1.01,local:1.1,local.truck:1.05,ramp:1,ramp.truck:1,recreation:1.2,recreation.truck:1.1,resource:1.2,resource.truck:1.1,restricted:1.2,restricted.truck:1.1,service:1.2,service.truck:1.1,strata:1.2,strata.truck:1.1,yield_lane:1.01,yield_lane.truck:1.01,&xingCost=3.0,10.0,7.0,1.2&turnCost=3.0,1.0,10.0,5.0

cmhodgson commented 4 years ago

wasn't the failure at a XingCost Multplier of 1.1, not 1.5? it seems to work at 1.5...

mraross commented 4 years ago

Yes, you're right. I corrected the issue title. A multiplier of 1.1 failed. I just successfully reran all GDP test cases with a multiplier of 1.2. Just going to rerun some other test cases and we might have a solution.

mraross commented 4 years ago

Multiplier of 1.2 works with


mraross commented 4 years ago

Multiplier of 1.2 works the same as 1.1 on all cases in

mraross commented 4 years ago

Router configuration changed to use crossing multiplier of 1.2