Closed WadeBarnes closed 2 years ago
That's OK for now, but we'll have to look into it. When you return @wadeking98 , please point out where the source of this information can be found (I think it is a spreadsheet?) and we'll ask Dwayne to have BC Registries review the data.
Extra-provincial information is in the same place where the "BC Corporation" info came from:
I'll take a look, Orgbook loads the BC Corporation
text by default if it can't find the correct entity text. I was not aware that some of the types Extraprovincial Company, BC Community Contribution Company, Private Act, Foreign Registration, etc
existed since I could not find them in the BC registries site provided by Dwayne. I think @DJ-Gordon and I should set up a meeting to figure out the text for missing entity types.
Please get that meeting going and get this issue resolved. Please include in the discussion a more generic message separate from BC Organization as the fall back.
Priority for cleanup.
Several of the Organization Types are sharing the same pop up description for BC Corporation. For example Extraprovincial Company, BC Community Contribution Company, Private Act, Foreign Registration, and others.
Where others like Cooperative and General partnership have their own description:
Each Organization Type should have it's own pop up description.