Closed Travis-A-Clark closed 1 year ago
@jp-Telus Please confirm if the process is behaving as expected in the Dev environment. If so, please push to Test so that Steffi can review. Thanks!
Yes, I did some test scenarios on the DEV region this morning. Worked as expected:
My test case
Test Result: Yes, worked as expected, only 1 email sent.
Note: there is an issue when I update by specify "Individual" in DEV region but not on my local. the error
Too few arguments to function App\Http\Controllers\HRAdmin\GoalBankController::updategoalone(), 1 passed in /var/www/html/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Controller.php on line 54 and exactly 2 expected
I have requested to migrate to TEST region. The above issue may just happen in DEV only. Thank you.
@jp-Telus The test site is giving a 500 server error when I am trying to add a goal through System Admin -> Goal Bank for a business unit User:, pswd: sysadmin1@2022
@steffipravasi and @Travis-A-Clark
Thank you for reporting this issue. This 500 issue was caused by migration issue, this ticket require to use the new user preference email setiing (ticket #636) which is not yet migrate to test region.
May I request to bundle #636 + #700 for TEST migration ?
@jp-Telus Yes, that works for me. Thanks!
Migrated to TST with dependence #636
@jp-Telus Test status: Pass Env: Test 1) Pass Email syntax error. Issue occurring for any individual. Issue occurring only when Sys Admin creates a goal Test case: Goal added by sysadmin, Goal name: WorkGoalTesting, Updated individual: Achari,Jaivin Goal type: Work, Suggested. Email received but there is one error, the name of the recipient must be displayed after word Hello, but right now an id is displayed which is not the employee id of the user.
2) Users not receiving the email. Issue is for a sys admin only. works fine when an HR admin creates the same goal type. In-app notifications are received. Test case: Goal added by SysAdmin, Goal name: Career_BU_Testing, Mandatory goal Add business unit :BC Pension Corp -> Executive -> CEO Update goal: Advanced Education and Skills Training -> Workforce Development and Skills Training Division -> Labour Market Analytics, Forecasting, and Information Branch -> Forecasting (Prov) The users: Wang,Man and Bruce,Nicole must receive the email. The receive an email in account preference is on for both and also from the system security. There is no entry in the notification log.
3) Pass Email error. The test case is the same as number 2 above with only difference that the HR admin is creating the goal. The emails are received by the user, but the names are missing after Hello. Issue occurring only when HR Admin creates a goal
4) Individuals are receiving email right when the goal is created. Expected result is to send out emails to individuals when a goal is updated. Issue occurring when goal is created by both SysAdmin and HrAdmin. Test case. Create a goal by HR with name: Career_Individual_HRAdminGoa. Individuals added when creating a goal are: Train,Brian and Noble,Wade. They both received emails when goal was created.
Item 1 and 3 were resolved and the name was display correctly. Item 2, there is no email send out since the 'BC Pernsion Corp" is not allow login in the access organizations page. Item 4: No sure the problem and trouble to replicate in the local region.
Test fail Issue number 2 is not fixed. Issue occurs when the generic organization is selected without selecting the levels. Users not receiving the email when a new organization is added to an existing goal. Issue is for a sys admin only. works fine when an HR admin creates the same goal type. In-app notifications are received. Test case: i) Login as SysAdmin ii) Create a new goal in the goal bank and add the organization "Agriculture and Food". Don't select anything in the other levels. The employees receive an email when goal is created. iii) Go to Manage Goals in Goal Bank iv) Find the added goal and select it v) Add "Advanced Education and Skills Training" organization to the goal. Don't select anything in the other levels. vi) Expected results is that the employees in Advanced Education and Skills Training must receive an email. Actual result is that none of the Advanced Education and Skills Training employee receive an email. The receive an email in account preference is on and also from the system security. There is no entry in the notification log.
Finally, I can replicate your issue on my local region. I did extractly your steps and noticed that only few email sent out but this is much less than my expectation.
I noticed that when the form submit, the submit data "select_org_nodes" are rare, the input "id"s are not the organization_trees's id, only between 1 to 4250. But the most of the ids are totally difference, greater than 4250.
@Dennis, when you have time, could you please kindly check the value on "select_org_nodes" before you submit ? Thank you.
The previous issues resolved, the selected business unit data were stored correctly on the table. The program updated for creating in-app message :
@Travis, currently, only In-app notification created, do we need the email notification sent out also ? Thanks.
Status: WIP
I have requested Kunal to implement "background job queue" in DEV region. The email notification will also sent out to the reciptient who have enabled the "Adds a new goal to my goal bank" option in User Preference and also the "Alloe email message" selected on the organization under "Access Organization".
Status: Deployed on DEV region
Test done on DEV region
Login as SysAdmin1, Add a new Goal and assigned to Amy Lee
Verified that both InApp and Email notification sent out
This ticket can be validated once ticket 944 and 945 are fixed as those issues are making testing difficult and its hard to differentiate the notifications.
1) Receiving 504 error very often when trying to edit the goal. 2) Goal bank page takes time to load or doesn't load at all 3) The organization does not load when clicked on filter Somehow Added employee 000648| Robinson,Caro to goal Growing shareholder value. Caro didn't receive a notification. Cannot test adding organization to existing goal due to the errors.
I believe Robinson,Caro doesn't receive notification because he didn't specify to receive notificaton when 'Adds a new goal to my goal bank' under account preferneces. Hope this helps,
When editing/updating the goal, the pages take time to load and at last gives a 504 Gateway time-out error when the Save Changes button is clicked hence making testing difficult. Holding the testing until the page is stable with less or no errors.
Update: Testing blocked due to the errors for Sys and Hr admin
@jp-Telus Test status: Fail User: 001818, Harringa,Judy K belongs to Citizens Services, did not receive any in-app notification when -a new goal was added to the goal bank -Citizen Services was added to an existing goal -Judy was added as an existing goal Have received the emails though.
Checked the test region, the organization "Citizen Services" doesn't have Allow In-App Message" option checked at the moment I checked. And also "Allow Email Message" is also unchecked. But interesting, you got some email on Apr 28, 2023 per the notification logs. May I have sometime to test this together on TEST region since I can't replicate on my local. Thank you.
Finally, found an issue, fixed on my local and push to DEV and Test regions for retest..
1) Trying to add/edit a goal through Sys Admin and Hr admin but receiving the Time out error on frond end. Goal is still added in the background. 2) Wondering why The name of the user does not appear in the recipient or notify user column for email notifications
Receiving email and in-app notifications for new goal added or updated.
@telusdcinco We receive a 504 Time out error while adding a new goal and updating a goal too for a business unit from the goal bank User: Mark Bakusko (sys admin) The goal is added/updated in the background process but on the front-end, user receives an time-out error
@steffipravasi 504 error fixed when creating/updating goals for ministries with large employee list.
Issues related to this ticket are fixed and validated on Test. Others issues related to Goal Bank are addressed in tickets in Product Backlog. Moving for PO review.
@jp-Telus Just FYI on additional changes for Goal Bank Notifications.
Found a way to determine the newly insert employees or organizations during the update operation,
Work Done
b. the 'allow email message' is Yes on the remployee's organization (defined in the Access Organization under System security).
c. the user's system preference is Yes on "Adds a new goal to my goal bank"
Deployment completed on DEV region.