bcgov / platform-services-registry

Platform services OCP project registry
Apache License 2.0
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Generic button component #2759

Open junminahn opened 1 month ago

junminahn commented 1 month ago
  1. Step 1: research all button types used in the application.
  2. Step 2: create Maintine theme to support various colors that required for our application.
  3. Step 3: create a example page to display all possible button types.
  4. Step 4: replace existing button of the application codebase to ensure that the themed Maintine button is sufficient.

Size: 2xs, xs, sm, base, lg, xl, 2xl, 3xl, 4xl

import { Button, virtualColor, createTheme, Group, MantineProvider, defaultVariantColorsResolver, VariantColorsResolver, parseThemeColor, rem, rgba, darken, } from '@mantine/core';

console.log(virtualColor({ name: 'primary', light: 'blue', dark: 'red' }));

// See // See export const theme = createTheme({ colors: { primary: [ '#FFBF3E', '#FFBF3E', '#FFBF3E', '#FFBF3E', '#FFBF3E', '#FFBF3E', '#FFBF3E', '#FFBF3E', '#FFBF3E', '#FFBF3E', ], }, components: { Button: Button.extend({ vars: (_theme, props) => { console.log('props', _theme, props); if (props.variant === 'light222') { return { root: { '--button-height': rem(120), '--button-padding-x': rem(30), '--button-fz': rem(24), }, }; }

    if (props.size === 'xxl') {
      return {
        root: {
          '--button-height': rem(60),
          '--button-padding-x': rem(30),
          '--button-fz': rem(24),

    if (props.size === 'xxs') {
      return {
        root: {
          '--button-height': rem(24),
          '--button-padding-x': rem(10),
          '--button-fz': rem(10),

    return { root: {} };
  classNames: {
    // root: 'my-root-class',
    // label: 'my-label-class',
    // inner: 'my-inner-class',
  styles: {
    // root: { backgroundColor: 'red' },
    // label: { color: 'blue' },
    // inner: { fontSize: 20 },

}, });

Amritpal-Nijjar commented 1 month ago

Amritpal-Nijjar commented 1 month ago

Amritpal-Nijjar commented 1 month ago