bcgov / platform-services-registry

Platform services OCP project registry
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View the past and current request comments on the notes pages [Admin Notes/Comments] #3190

Open Amritpal-Nijjar opened 5 days ago

Amritpal-Nijjar commented 5 days ago

There are two entities, the product and the request A comment can be made on either a product or a request The posted comments can only be viewed in the context of whichever entity is was made on A product comment is only on the product, and a request comment is only on the request

We want the ability to view the past comments made on the requests of a product on the comments section of that product (currently titled Admin Notes).

Likely to have two columns on the page, where in one column we can see all the past requests, and the comments that were made by admins under each request. That way an admin can view the past comments/notes that were made in resolved requests, and also view the notes that have been taken for that product at the same time.