bcgov / ppr-deprecated

deprecated-Personal Property Registry
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Collateral #815

Open Bryce13Reid opened 4 years ago

Bryce13Reid commented 4 years ago

User Story

As a registering party I want to describe all the collateral so that the registration secures my interest

Acceptance Criteria

User Experience

Business Rules

Kevin recommended the character limit as a way to help users be more concise in their collateral description. For example, if they are listing all the items of an estate down to each pair of socks, they may not understand what's needed. But, we also don't want to be prescriptive.



bryan-gilbert commented 4 years ago

UI work will build on the work from the previous sprint and (1) add the 8000 limit with UI feedback. Note that this component will not appear on the FS until until #649 is complete

LivMac-Git commented 4 years ago

Just to help provide clarity.

When a user first arrives to the Collateral section these are the two buttons they are shown.


They are required to have one entry of serial collateral or one general collateral text area, to create a valid registration.

After clicking "add general collateral" once the button to add General Collateral is removed unless they remove the GC field entirely. (Then the button returns allowing them to add the GC text field again)

But there is only ever ONE General collateral text area with the 8k character limit.

As GC is entered when there are 1000 characters remaining a validation message will dynamically show the remaining character limit. If users paste or enter more characters than the limit, the "Confirm & Submit" will be blocked, and a negative character limit will be shown until they reduce the entered text to 8k characters, or remove the GC text area.

KevinB-gbc commented 4 years ago

To clarify my expectations:

  1. There will be a General Collateral text entry PER REGISTRATION, i.e. I can add one block of text when I enter a new registration, a second block when I amend it, a third block when I amend again...
  2. The specification of General Collateral text being "one block of text" is not a strict rule to me. It definitely should NOT be a collection of 70-character lines, but is one 8k box better than 4 2k boxes?....I don't know. It depends upon how you are using them, facilitating editing, etc. Most jurisdictions today simply provide one big box, but if you have a better idea, go for it.
  3. ...But if you are going to go with multiple General Collateral data fields (e.g. four 2k fields instead of one 8k field), then you need to be able to have fixed processes for the following: (a) associating all fields with one and only one registration (i.e. base or amendment); and, (b) GUARANTEEING that they will always be presented together and in a fixed and unchanging order. That is, unlike serial numbered collateral, the order would matter.
  4. The question of conversion should be as I understand Bob is describing: all GC 70-character lines PER REGISTRATION will be written to a designated column able to support the max field size of 8k. One row per registration where General Collateral was added.
  5. If there are existing registrations with more 70-character GC lines than will fit within a single 8k box, then we will need to get a little creative. We either (a) design-for/permit GC text larger than 8k for pre-transition registrations but not post-transition (likely easier for conversion but harder for other solution elements and long-term maintenance a pain), or (b) during conversion, split the 70-character GC lines during over multiple 8k fields.
  6. If doing 5.b above, there are again two options: (a) permit multiple GC rows ONLY for pre-transition converted registrations (i.e. a converted registration may have one OR MORE 8k blocks), or (b) add "virtual amendments" during the data conversion process in order to store the extra large pre-transition GC entries (essentially we create extra "registrations" which are defined as having been created by the Registrar for purposes of transition of the registry). Option 6.b is a weird step, but it is within the Registrar's authority and can be effectively communicated. You might be surprised at the weird stuff we get into in order to convert a 30-year old database to a new home!
  7. One of the reasons that option 6.b -- splitting a GC entry into multiple registrations -- is not difficult to communicate is because it mirrors what registrants do today, namely: If you give me an 8k GC field and I have 20k of GC text that I want to enter, then I will create a new registration with ~8k GC, amend that registration to add ~8k more GC text, amend that registration again to add ~4k GC text. Such massive GC text entries are rare, but do occur. They occur more frequently, of course in registries with relatively small GC fields such as 0.5 to 2k.
LivMac-Git commented 4 years ago

Re: Bryan's ask for the initial state wireframe for a FS when first opened please see the attached wireframe.

This would be the view a user see's when they first go to start a new registration before they have selected anything (assuming we opt for a security agreement to be selected by default)


jguertin commented 4 years ago

Summary of proposed solution

The basic principal is that once general collateral is submitted (wether on a new registration or amendment) it cannot be modified. Rather, changes to general collateral will be considered additive. To this point, a user can only submit one general collateral at a time (up to 8000 characters). So when updating a financing-statement, there may be multiple read-only general collateral existing on the statement, but the user may only add a single new value.

On historical data, the approach was different, where users could submit multiple line, and on occasion could remove lines. This data will need to be appropriately migrated.

Here's a technical overview of the approach: API Interface:

API Internals:

IMS Data Migration:

rstens commented 4 years ago

So no long for the description? It's 2GB max, you can still enforce the 8000 chars limit. Saves you from having to split up the submitted string. "Gentlemen, we have the technology!" Bonus points for naming where this quote came from.

jguertin commented 4 years ago

So no long for the description? It's 2GB max, you can still enforce the 8000 chars limit. Saves you from having to split up the submitted string. "Gentlemen, we have the technology!" Bonus points for naming where this quote came from.

Certainly a good option, as long as the frame work supports it in a database agnostic way. Overall, the solution remains the same, it would just avoid us having to spit incoming data.

bryan-gilbert commented 4 years ago

Looks good. What is the API structure when there is a timestamp?