bcgov / rems

An R package to access data from British Columbia's Environmental Monitoring System
Apache License 2.0
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download_historic_data has parsing failure #12

Closed joethorley closed 7 years ago

joethorley commented 7 years ago

@ateucher It seems download_historic_data has a parsing failure - I may have spoken prematurely when I said it was fixed...sorry to be the bearer of bad news :(

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> devtools::install_github("bcgov/rems")
Using GitHub PAT from envvar GITHUB_PAT
Skipping install of 'rems' from a github remote, the SHA1 (5c938fdd) has not changed since last install.
  Use `force = TRUE` to force installation
> library(rems)
> download_historic_data(force = TRUE, ask = FALSE)
This is going to take a while...
Downloading latest 'historic' EMS data from BC Data Catalogue (url:
  |=============================================================================================| 100%
Saving historic data at /Users/joe/Library/Application Support/rems/ems.sqlite
Warning: 4956875 parsing failures.
row                    col   expected                             actual
  1 RESULT                 a double   Iron Dissolved                    
  1 METHOD_DETECTION_LIMIT a double   Filt;HNO3 dig;conc'n;nebul'ICP-OES
  1 LOWER_DEPTH            a double   mg/L                              
  1 AIR_FILTER_SIZE        a double   C                                 
  1 NA                     55 columns 59 columns                        
... ...................... .......... ..................................
See problems(...) for more details.

Error: 4956875 parsing failures
> traceback()
5: stop(n, " parsing failure", if (n > 1) "s", call. = FALSE)
4: readr::stop_for_problems(ret)
3: read_ems_data(csv_file, n = n, cols = col_names, verbose = FALSE, 
       skip = skip, col_names = col_names, progress = FALSE)
2: save_historic_data(csv_file, db_path, n)
1: download_historic_data(force = TRUE, ask = FALSE)
ateucher commented 7 years ago

They added a few new columns to the csvs on the server. I'll add them.

joethorley commented 7 years ago


HeatherGranger commented 7 years ago

Thanks Andy! We're these columns added to the historical data? I can't open the spreadsheet to check...

ateucher commented 7 years ago

Yup, and to the current as well. I'm just doing a bit of cleanup - I'll let you know when it's ready to test!

joethorley commented 7 years ago

Fixed at my end

ateucher commented 7 years ago

@HeatherGranger It should be good to go with the new columns added. You'll need to reinstall from github, and probably want to refresh your cache:


Then you can use get_ems_data() or download_ems_data(); read_historic_data() to import the data with the new columns.