bcgov / shinyssdtools

Shiny interface to ssdtools R package
Apache License 2.0
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new input translations #175

Open sebdalgarno opened 2 months ago

sebdalgarno commented 2 months ago

From shinyssdtools created by sebdalgarno: poissonconsulting/shinyssdtools#8

From shinyssdtools created by sebdalgarno: bcgov/shinyssdtools#148

X-axis breaks (ticks) Graduation sur l'axes X?

by concentration affecting % species protectiong % species

sebdalgarno commented 2 months ago

does this need to be changed? (English replace threshold by "fraction affected"

sebdalgarno commented 2 months ago

toxicant name BCANZ report download report html/pdf/Rmd file

sebdalgarno commented 2 months ago

"Generating report ..." "This may take a minute, depending on the number of bootstrap samples selected in the Predict tab."

"Getting Confidence Limits...", "This may take a minute, depending on the number of bootstrap samples selected."

sebdalgarno commented 2 months ago

select units "Sélectionner les unités" ?

sebdalgarno commented 2 months ago

here's a word doc with images of the inputs - easier for context inputs_translation.docx

joethorley commented 2 months ago

@sebdalgarno - I don't think it uploaded

sebdalgarno commented 2 weeks ago

see translations here: inputstranslation.docx new_user_french_translation-1.docx

sebdalgarno commented 1 week ago

missing translation in user guide "There are options to adjust the x-axis breaks (i.e., labels), x-axis limits and whether to display results on a log-scale."