bcgov / von-network

A portable development level Indy Node network.
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Problem Launching Webserver, Windows 10 #107

Open euroledger opened 4 years ago

euroledger commented 4 years ago
  1. run ./manage startin the von root folder
  2. All docker processes start up => after a short time the webserver process exits with the error: webserver_1 | /home/indy/.pyenv/versions/3.6.9/bin/python: No module named server.server

All the other 4 nodes run fine on Windows 10.

I am running unbuntu 16.04 linux on Windows 10 with Docker toolbox/Oracle VM Virtualbox

swcurran commented 4 years ago

Just to be sure - did you do the ./manage build first?

euroledger commented 4 years ago

yes. tried another./manage build. still the same thing.

it looks like some kind of path can't find the path to the server module.

WadeBarnes commented 4 years ago

Just built fresh on Windows 10 with Docker Desktop. No issues.

Please ensure you have the latest code and start from a clean environment. You could also try ./manage rebuild so it ignores any cache.

WadeBarnes commented 4 years ago

I've seen this issue before, No module named server.server, and we fixed it. I'm looking for the references.

WadeBarnes commented 4 years ago

Also please try ./manage down before ./manage start to clear out any old volumes.

WadeBarnes commented 4 years ago

I've seen this issue before, No module named server.server, and we fixed it. I'm looking for the references.

The issue I was thinking about was different, and was fixed by removing the need for the wallet.

swcurran commented 4 years ago

Hi @euroledger - I did find the other issue that seems to be the same as yours - it is #102.

They are running on Windows 10 (not Pro) and using Docker Toolbox. Is that the same as you are doing?

They are having the same symptoms - no webserver running.

WadeBarnes commented 4 years ago

@euroledger, Here is another thing to try. I wonder if there is an issue with the local volume mounts.

In docker-compose.yml, under the webserver entry comment out the first two volume mountslike this:

#      - ./config:/home/indy/config
#      - ./server:/home/indy/server
      - webserver-cli:/home/indy/.indy-cli
      - webserver-ledger:/home/indy/ledger
swcurran commented 4 years ago

According to this article, under the cons for Docker Toolbox, is that you are not using "localhost" for accessing the exposed ports. Instead, you are using another IP.

That means, instead of going to http://localhost:9000 to see the web server, you have to go to port 9000 on the Docker Toolbox IP address. Likely this is:

Here is an article that shows a way to get the IP your instance of Docker Toolbox is using.

@euroledger - please give that a try and let us know if that helps.

Caveat - in the logs sent in #102, we didn't see anything about the server starting, so it may still be something else.

Request - please post logs, but please put them in a gist, rather than directly in this issue. In the issue makes it very hard to scroll to new issues. Article about creating a gist.


swcurran commented 4 years ago

@euroledger - what Wade said first :-). You probably haven't hit the issues I mention, but they might matter once you have it running. Please let me know, as we would like to mention it in the docs if it is a thing for Docker Toolbox users.

euroledger commented 4 years ago

@swcurran They are running on Windows 10 (not Pro) and using Docker Toolbox. Is that the same as you are doing?

YES same as me.

I will try working through all these proposals today...

  1. Removed all docker images, cloned latest code, restarted docker, ran ./manage build and ./manage start => same error

  2. @euroledger, Here is another thing to try. I wonder if there is an issue with the local volume mounts. In docker-compose.yml, under the webserver entry comment out the first two volume mountslike this:

    #      - ./config:/home/indy/config
    #      - ./server:/home/indy/server
    - webserver-cli:/home/indy/.indy-cli
    - webserver-ledger:/home/indy/ledger

    Tried worked! Webserver now initialises without any errors.

@swcurran you are quite correct: I need to use to view the network status page(s) in the browser.

Similarly I can bring up alice and faber locally; to view their agent swagger pages in the browser I use and where is the IP address allocated by Docker Toolbox.

Thank you guys for your help: @WadeBarnes can you explain why you think this docker yaml change did the trick?

WadeBarnes commented 4 years ago

@euroledger, The two lines in the docker-compose.yml are attempting to mount folders from your local drive into the container. It appears Docker Toolbox does not handle this in the same way as Docker Desktop. By commenting out the lines the running container will use the copy of the files that were built into the image (which are the same as what's on your local drive anyway). The mounts are there for development purposes so the code can be modified without having to rebuild the image each time.

swcurran commented 4 years ago

This is not yet solved. We have to figure out if there is a fix we can code around for this and at minimum, document it.

@euroledger - could you and I take a look for what to do for Docker Toolbox for this? We aren't the first to run into this class of issue.

swcurran commented 4 years ago

OK - @euroledger or @andrewBSTan - if you don't mind, could you try this?

From looking at the articles on this, it's a pain point with Docker Toolbox (as expected). I read a bunch of articles and this seems to be the most straight forward.


euroledger commented 4 years ago

Here is what I did:

  1. Added a new shared folder in the VM folders1

  2. Restart the VM

  3. Mount the drive in docker folders2

  4. Restart the VON network (with lines commented back in, in docker-compose.yaml) => get the same error webserver_1 | /home/indy/.pyenv/versions/3.6.9/bin/python: No module named server.server

Can someone tell me if there was any further step to do with the docker configuration?

swcurran commented 4 years ago

Thanks for trying. I'm not clear that the configuration even worked - I see an error from the screenshot. It looks like there is an overlap of "c" and "c/Users" which appears to be there by default.

I suspect there is tinkering that could be done to make something work, and then we could see if that could be combined with what works on regular Docker. But it is probably too much work.

At minimum I can add some notes to the repo to let people know about the issue and what to do about it.

euroledger commented 4 years ago

I agree it could probably be made to work, although Docker is notoriously difficult to use on Windows, certainly more of a pain than on Linux.

Let me know if I can be of any further assistance

supervas commented 4 years ago

In my case I am using WSL to launch "manage" and after multiple tests it seems clear that the problem is how it interprets the "Docker Desktop" drives. When you try to "link" drives with "./config", for example, when you run "docker-compose" they are replaced by "mnt/c/pathtosolution/config", which is not able to interpret "Docker Desktop". However, removing "mnt" from the path works correctly. In my case, changing "./config:/home/indy/config" to " /c/form/aries/mod02/von-network/config" creates the drives correctly.

swcurran commented 4 years ago

So how do we get the absolute path into the docker-compose.yml in a cross-platform way. We need to do a bit of googling. Presumably ${PWD} will work, but not sure...

supervas commented 4 years ago

With "PWD" you get, in the case of WSL, "/mnt/.....", you need to remove "/mnt", perhaps with a ".env" file in the same directory as the "docker-compose" file.

swcurran commented 4 years ago

~Yes - this sounds like it is a Docker bug on WSL~. Per this Stackexchange post, you don't need to do the $PWD thing because Docker does that for you. In the WSL case, it's doing it badly. Maybe the "/mnt" is an option in WSL? More googling...

Per this WSL FAQ, the "/mnt" is supposed to be there for WSL, So the question is - why do you NOT have the /mnt?

supervas commented 4 years ago

One possible solution for Windows users with WSL would be to modify the WSL configuration file "/etc/wsl.conf" by adding the following lines: [automount] root = /

Once the file is modified it is necessary to restart the WSL service, either by logout and logging back in to windows or by restarting the "LxssManager" service:

This allows both the "pwd" and "." command to return the path without the prefix "mnt". I've tried it and it creates the volumes correctly.

swcurran commented 4 years ago

I think the issue is that you have somehow updated your WSL environment to not use "/mnt", and that last fix was needed to complete that. Most WSL users would have the "/mnt" in their path and not have a problem.

Either way, the Dockerfile is correct in this project and Docker is handling things properly.