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Launch OrgBook BC based on AVCR Technology #285

Closed swcurran closed 3 years ago

swcurran commented 4 years ago

Tasks and activities related to launching the new OrgBook BC based on Indy Catalyst.

@WadeBarnes to lead the effort as a top priority for the team.

WadeBarnes commented 4 years ago

AVOB prod it up and connected to Sovrin Main Net. Initialized wallet backup created.

AVIA prod is waiting on aca-py v0.4.1 so we're not using images built off various branches. Wallet has been imported from the BC-Reg-X-Agent and an initialized wallet backup has been created.

Agent updates will need to be deployed when available and before AVIA is fully brought online.

WadeBarnes commented 4 years ago

AVIA prod has been online for some time now, and was recently updated with the latest code; 6dd71ead125658f18a4e55862e983709fd359813

AVOB prod:

All PVC allocations at ~50% usage (good).

ianco commented 4 years ago

Note we will need an updated release of aca-py (0.5.3) as the error with proof requests is fixed but an update to aca-py (completed and merged into master branch)

WadeBarnes commented 4 years ago

Indexes have been fully rebuilt and are in sync;