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Deploy a DTS ACA-Py stream for the Prime team (health) #345

Closed swcurran closed 3 years ago

swcurran commented 4 years ago

Please deploy a dev/test/prod stream of environments with ACA-Py using a Postgres wallet. These instances should be properly secured and the production instance will use the Sovrin MainNet for the ledger. The dev and test can use whichever ledger is standard these days -- BCovrin Test or Sovrin Staging. The sooner we can turn over to Prime one of the dev or test environments, the better.

We'll need a way to provision the other ledger objects the team will need as they become available -- schema(ta), cred def(s) and revocation registries and integration with the tails server.

This will become a standard request so documenting the internal and external (that is, information for Prime) and automating the creation and maintenance processes are helpful.


swcurran commented 4 years ago

FYI @jljordan42 @esune @ianco -- I don't know Jason's github handle.

WadeBarnes commented 4 years ago


esune commented 4 years ago

Two agent instances have been deployed for dev and test, and backup tasks setup for each wallet.

I will send @itchison the admin endpoints and the API key privately.

I will need to know which endpoints to use to configure the agent webhook endpoint in both environments - will ask Jason when I send him the info.