[x] Build a very simple dashboard for TG to be able to view API access audit log (POC/learning opportunity around Metabase dashboard)
[x] Build a more exciting (complicated) dashboard relevant to forecasters or FBANs
EK has posted .pptx of Tremont Fire case study in PSU Comms channel > Files. Use this as starting point for dashboard template for how case studies are generally done
[x] EK wants wind roses/ISI roses for case studies. MB doesn't provide wind rose data visualization, but there are free online tools for creating wind roses. Just need MB to allow for data export to create roses online
[x] Allow for Metabase authentication via Keycloak
GW is speaking to RS to see if he knows how to do this. If not, will prob be collabing with GW on this
[ ] Create 2 separate roles/access permissions: one for internal (Agile team) that has access to api access audit table + everything else, another that has access to everything except for api access audit
[ ] Create map w/ fire zone labels, etc. in Metabase
[x] figure out data selection within peak burning hours only (for case study dashboard)
[x] adjust timestamps on Metabase from UTC to PST?
[x] is it possible to have date selector widget in case study dashbaord, rather than having to create/edit questions when wanting to change date?
also applies to station codes
Definition of Done
[ ] Ready to Demo in Sprint Review
[ ] Does what I have made have appropriate test coverage?
[ ] Documentation and/or scientific documentation exists and can be found
[ ] Metabase has been deployed in prod. URL exists and is connected to prod DB, but dashboards & questions haven't been migrated over. Not sure if there's a way to transfer that over programmatically. If not, will have to manually recreate them in prod
[ ] Configure LDAP authentication in prod Metabase
[ ] Creating 2 user groups so that external (non-Agile) team members can't view API access audit table/dashboard would be good idea
[ ] Grant admin rights to the relevant staff members
As an (internal) UX Researcher I want To view the API access log So That I can see which of our tools are the most widely used and by whom.
As an BCWS staff member I want more direct access to the database So That I can query the database in any way I like.
Additional Context
Acceptance Criteria
Definition of Done