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Wildfire Predictive Services to support decision making in prevention, preparedness, response and recovery
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ASA: Zonal Head Fire Intensity statistics - Percentage of the combustible land area #3205

Open nealmcloughlin opened 8 months ago

nealmcloughlin commented 8 months ago

Describe the task Clicking on a fire zone boundary on the ASA map opens a side panel with statistics. The first chart summarizes the percentage of the combustible land area according to two expected fire intensity classes: 4,000 to 9,999 kW/m and >= 10,000 kW/m. This chart could use some UX refinement.

Acceptance Criteria

Additional context

rajpersram commented 8 months ago

@nealmcloughlin , are these ranking relevant to the Warning or Advisory status?

rajpersram commented 8 months ago

@nealmcloughlin Do we want to include classes of HFI (1-5) as noted on this Canadian Federal site?

rajpersram commented 8 months ago

Food for thought and team discussion: It might be worth considering acceptance criteria more as a set of desired outcomes, which leaves room for how that might be manifested, rather than trying to be too prescriptive on how it should be manifested. That will leave room for reconsidering the current user interface.

In this ticket's context, if we're aiming at users being able to understand, at a glance, what the percentage of the combustible land as intuitively and clearly as possible, that might entail abandoning the bar chart altogether and simply showing a text percentage. In that case, the acceptance criteria above wouldn't necessarily apply. @NicolasLivanos, what do you think as a Scrum Master about this approach?

nealmcloughlin commented 8 months ago

@rajpersram The wildfire ranks are relevant to Warning and Advisory status. They are not exactly the same intensity classes but essentially communicate the same information. I'll have to go into my course notes to explain the technical difference between wildfire rank and intensity class. We could report the percentage of combustible land in each HFI class. However, anything below HFI class 5 does not meet the criteria for an Advisory or Warning.

nealmcloughlin commented 8 months ago

@rajpersram Head Fire Intensity (HFI) classes refer to energy output ranges in kW per meter of fire front. These numbers are hard to identify without a visual aid. BCWS created wildfire ranks to give fire fighters visual fire behaviour characteristics that can be used to determine appropriate fire fighting tactics. The six ranks essentially align with the six HFI classes. We can consider them synonymous with respect to fire behaviour. In terms of messaging, Ranks allow us to speak to fire fighting tactics.

nealmcloughlin commented 8 months ago

@rajpersram I agree with your comment regarding acceptance criteria. My bad for being too prescriptive. That was not my intent. I just wanted to capture some of the ideas we discussed. I should have put those bullets under additional context and left the acceptance criteria for refinement with the team.

rajpersram commented 7 months ago

'Percentage of Combustible Land' title changed to 'Portion of Zone under Advisory'.

rajpersram commented 7 months ago

Related dev tickets: Summarize the Percentage of Combustible Land #2448 Zonal summary of Head Fire Intensity #2544 Additional Grids: Elevation - UX #2190