bcgsc / RNA-Bloom

:hibiscus: reference-free transcriptome assembly for short and long reads
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FastQ gzipped files not accepted as input? #33

Closed auesro closed 2 years ago

auesro commented 2 years ago

Please report


RNA-Bloom v1.4.3
args: [-pool, readslist.txt, -revcomp-right, -ntcard, -t, 10, -mergepool, -outdir, /home/auesro/Desktop/RNA_Bloom/output, -k, 20]

name:   rnabloom
outdir: /home/auesro/Desktop/RNA_Bloom/output
Pooled assembly mode is ON!
Parsing pool reads list file `readslist.txt`...
ERROR: Unsupported file format detected in input file `left`. Only FASTA and FASTQ formats are supported. Unsupported file format detected in input file `left`. Only FASTA and FASTQ formats are supported.
    at rnabloom.RNABloom.checkInputFileFormat(
    at rnabloom.RNABloom.main(

My fastq files are gzipped but according to the, gzip compression is supported warning Input reads must be in either FASTQ or FASTA format and may be compressed with GZIP.

Any ideas?



kmnip commented 2 years ago

Can you please report the first 10 lines of your readslist.txt? You get that error when the read file you specified is not a FASTA/FASTQ file.

auesro commented 2 years ago

Sure, only 3 lines though:

#name left right
C1 /home/LAB/lab_eh_2/AER_Data/snRNAseq/C1/trimmed/A_S1_L001_R1_001_val_1.fq.gz /home/LAB/lab_eh_2/AER_Data/snRNAseq/C1/trimmed/A_S1_L001_R2_001_val_2.fq.gz
C2 /home/LAB/lab_eh_2/AER_Data/snRNAseq/C2/trimmed/C_S1_L001_R1_001_val_1.fq.gz /home/LAB/lab_eh_2/AER_Data/snRNAseq/C2/trimmed/C_S1_L001_R2_001_val_2.fq.gz

Yes, I know, my read files are gz compressed FASTQ files and according to your instructions, input reads can be gz compressed. But I still get that error...

kmnip commented 2 years ago

Ahh, you just need to remove the first line. That will be supported in an upcoming release.

auesro commented 2 years ago

Ohhh You mean I need to remove #name left right line from the readlist.txt file?

kmnip commented 2 years ago

Yes. That formatting is meant for the code in the master branch. If you look at the README that came with version 1.4.3, it is not there. Sorry for the confusion!

auesro commented 2 years ago

I see! Thats great, easy to fix.

One last question: I just noticed you are also an author at the TransAbyss package...would you recommend TransAbyss or RNA-Bloom for de novo transcriptome assembly from scRNAseq data?

kmnip commented 2 years ago

Please use RNA-Bloom for both single-cell and bulk RNA-seq data. Thanks!

auesro commented 2 years ago

Will do! Thanks for your help!