bcgsc / abyss

:microscope: Assemble large genomes using short reads
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make: mixed implicit and normal rules #53

Closed sjackman closed 10 years ago

sjackman commented 10 years ago

Courtney Hofman wrote...


I installed Abyss 1.3.7 using homebrew and tried running abyss-pe on small mitogenome dataset. However I keep getting this error : /usr/local/bin/abyss-pe:613: *\ mixed implicit and normal rules. Stop.

I also tried the activity found at using the run-abyss scripts (using the included data and following the directions) to see if it was just my data but I got the same error. I haven't seen anything in seq answers about this so I thought I would ask for any advice you might have to fix this problem.

Thanks, Courtney

sjackman commented 10 years ago

Hi, Courtney.

What version of Mac OS are your running?

Please run and report the output of the following commands:

Cheers, Shaun

which -a make
make --version
/usr/bin/make --version
/usr/local/bin/make --version
system_profiler SPSoftwareDataType
which -a xcodebuild
xcodebuild -version
/usr/bin/xcodebuild -version
/Applications/ -version
brew doctor
chofman commented 10 years ago

Hi Shaun,

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly, below is the output for those commands:

Courtney@courtneys-air:~top|⇒  which -a make
Courtney@courtneys-air:~top|⇒  make --version
GNU Make 3.81
Copyright (C) 2006  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.
There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A

This program built for i386-apple-darwin11.3.0
Courtney@courtneys-air:~top|⇒  /usr/bin/make --version
GNU Make 3.81
Copyright (C) 2006  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.
There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A

This program built for i386-apple-darwin11.3.0
Courtney@courtneys-air:~top|⇒  /usr/local/bin/make --version
zsh: no such file or directory: /usr/local/bin/make
Courtney@courtneys-air:~top|⇒  system_profiler SPSoftwareDataType

    System Software Overview:

      System Version: OS X 10.9.1 (13B42)
      Kernel Version: Darwin 13.0.0
      Boot Volume: Macintosh HD
      Boot Mode: Normal
      Computer Name: Courtney’s MacBook Air
      User Name: Courtney Hofman (Courtney)
      Secure Virtual Memory: Enabled
      Time since boot: 16 days 20:44

Courtney@courtneys-air:~top|⇒  which -a xcodebuild
Courtney@courtneys-air:~top|⇒  xcodebuild -version
Xcode 5.0.2
Build version 5A3005
Courtney@courtneys-air:~top|⇒  /usr/bin/xcodebuild -version
Xcode 5.0.2
Build version 5A3005
Courtney@courtneys-air:~top|⇒  /Applications/ -version
Xcode 5.0.2
Build version 5A3005

Warning: Some directories in /usr/local/share/man aren't writable.
This can happen if you "sudo make install" software that isn't managed
by Homebrew. If a brew tries to add locale information to one of these
directories, then the install will fail during the link step.
You should probably `chown` them:


Warning: Unbrewed dylibs were found in /usr/local/lib.
If you didn't put them there on purpose they could cause problems when
building Homebrew formulae, and may need to be deleted.

Unexpected dylibs:

Warning: Unbrewed .pc files were found in /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig.
If you didn't put them there on purpose they could cause problems when
building Homebrew formulae, and may need to be deleted.

Unexpected .pc files:

Warning: Unbrewed static libraries were found in /usr/local/lib.
If you didn't put them there on purpose they could cause problems when
building Homebrew formulae, and may need to be deleted.

Unexpected static libraries:

Warning: Some installed formula are missing dependencies.
You should `brew install` the missing dependencies:

    brew install openssl

Run `brew missing` for more details.

Warning: /usr/bin occurs before /usr/local/bin
This means that system-provided programs will be used instead of those
provided by Homebrew. The following tools exist at both paths:


Consider setting your PATH so that /usr/local/bin
occurs before /usr/bin. Here is a one-liner:
    echo export PATH='/usr/local/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bash_profile

Thanks again for your help, I probably screwed up something during prior installations.


sjackman commented 10 years ago

@traymond Add Tony

sjackman commented 10 years ago

Your version of make doesn't seem to be the issue. I use the same GNU Make 3.81 on Mac OS.

Just a sanity check, but can you post the complete output of these commands:

tar xzvf test-data.tar.gz
abyss-pe k=25 name=test \
    in='test-data/reads1.fastq test-data/reads2.fastq'
chofman commented 10 years ago

Here is that output:

Courtney@courtneys-air:~top|⇒  tar xzvf test-data.tar.gz 
x test-data/
x test-data/reads1.fastq
x test-data/reads2.fastq
Courtney@courtneys-air:~top|⇒  abyss-pe k=25 name=test in='test-data/ test-    data/reads2.fasta'
/usr/local/bin/abyss-pe:613: *** mixed implicit and normal rules.  Stop.
sjackman commented 10 years ago

Please report the output of

echo x"$ref"y
env |grep ref
set |grep ref
unset ref
abyss-pe k=25 name=test in='test-data/reads1.fastq test-data/reads2.fastq'
chofman commented 10 years ago

Here is the output Courtney@courtneys-air:~top|⇒ echo x"$ref"y x/Volumes/Courtney's HardDrive/Catalina Squirrel/abyss/chr3.fay Courtney@courtneys-air:~top|⇒ env|grep ref ref=/Volumes/Courtney's HardDrive/Catalina Squirrel/abyss/chr3.fa Courtney@courtneys-air:~top|⇒ set |grep ref Binary file (standard input) matches Courtney@courtneys-air:~top|⇒ unset ref Courtney@courtneys-air:~top|⇒ abyss-pe k=25 name=test in='test-data/reads1.fastq test-data/reads2.fastq' Abyss ran and below is the abyss-fac info abyss-fac test-unitigs.fa test-contigs.fa test-scaffolds.fa |tee n n:500 n:N50 min N80 N50 N20 E-size max sum name 817 108 38 509 642 905 1323 1008 2260 93364 test-unitigs.fa 500 78 19 500 1447 3101 5099 3676 10702 172641 test-contigs.fa 425 29 7 578 4828 9965 17044 11621 27989 179916 test- scaffolds.fa ln -sf test-stats tr '\t' , < >test-stats.csv abyss-tabtomd >

sjackman commented 10 years ago

Hi, Courtney. The problem is two-fold. One, that the environment variable ref is set, which abyss-pe is interpreting as a parameter intended for it. And two, that the file name pointed to by $ref has a space in it, or maybe it's the apostrophe causing trouble. Although it is a bug, ABySS likely won't be the only software to barf like this. To make your life easier, you may want to consider removing special characters from your volume and folder names.

@traymond Could you look into this? We should add a warning to the documentation that environment variables with the same names as abyss-pe parameters are used. We should test whether special characters like spaces break abyss-pe. If it does break it, and it can be fixed, great, otherwise we should document that file names shouldn't contain special characters (probably any character interpreted by the shell).

sjackman commented 10 years ago

@chofman Run unset ref before assembling your mitogenome, and ABySS should work. If not, get back to us with the new error message.

traymond commented 10 years ago

I've always considered the fact that you can pass abyss-pe parameters by exporting them as a feature. As far as I can tell, the only difference between environment variables and make variables is that environment variables can be overwritten by a normal assignment. I could use this property to try and detect when we are using an environment variable, but I'm pretty sure the abyss-pe script will get quite convoluted quite quickly if I do this for all the variables.

I'll look into returning an error if there's a space in the variable.

sjackman commented 10 years ago

I agree that the ability to use environment variables is a feature of abyss-pe. It's just surprising if it's not expected, like in this case. I don't think we need to add code to abyss-pe, necessarily, but this behaviour should be documented.

traymond commented 10 years ago

Ah, yeah. A list of variable names that must be unset before running abyss-pe would be good.

sjackman commented 10 years ago

A command abyss-pe env that reports the value of all the abyss-pe configuration variables would be super useful for troubleshooting.

ghost commented 10 years ago

How about something like f2a2ce941cb3b6458d6d4c8b6df17c386183a572 ? (Note that $HOME, $HOSTNAME are for testing purpose)

ghost commented 10 years ago

sorry, above link doesn't work. New code is in -dev, 'check_env' branch.

traymond commented 10 years ago

When you want to specify a commit in another repo, you need to specify the repo. Like this: bcgsc/abyss-dev@f2a2ce941cb3b6458d6d4c8b6df17c386183a572

sjackman commented 10 years ago

I like it. That's a nice diagnostic tool, Mimi. My thought was an env command of abyss-pe that reports the value of each variable after parsing the environment and command line. I could see a use for both tools.

ghost commented 10 years ago

That's a great idea, @sjackman. I will try that way too, sometime during this week. Thanks!

ghost commented 10 years ago

I got it! :) bcgsc/abyss-dev@298002aeff2c77eca17b289d1424074f5541ad4d now runs like this:

abyss-pe env abyss-pe env k=44 name=test in='some-files' abyss-pe k=44 name=test in='some-files' env

to report ALL defined/set abyss variables. Also, try after setting some environment variables, too!

ghost commented 10 years ago

moved to bcgsc/abyss-dev@65b7eed3dc2ae06a68cce33236629ea753f34d0a

traymond commented 10 years ago

This has been released in 1.5.0.