Closed weedcentipede closed 5 years ago
Hi Luis,
It looks like this is related to
To suppress MPI, you need to unset the environment variable, SLURM_NTASKS
, before running Trans-ABySS, ie.
transabyss --threads $threads --pe $reads1 $reads2
Don't run Trans-ABySS on the master node. You can run it within batch script for SLURM.
Hope that helps! Ka Ming
Hi Ka Ming, It worked this way
Thank you!, Cheers, Luis Alfonso.
Good afternoon
I'm trying to run transabyss with one set of paired-end read files and it seems to always identify them as two files of single end reads. The read names are suffixed with /1 and /2 resp. I tried unset $SLURM_NTASKS but apart from producing a non-fatal error it doesn't do anything.
The script:
R1=$1 R2=$2 assembly=$3 mer=$4 output_dir=$5
srun transabyss --name ${assembly}_${mer} \ --pe $R1 $R2 \ --kmer $mer \ --outdir $output_dir \ --threads 1 \ --mpi 0 `
The command:
n=test sbatch --job-name=$n --error=$n.err --output=$n.out ~/ /tmp/annew/R1.fq /tmp/annew/R2.fq assemblyname 32 /tmp/annew/transabyss_stuff_32test
Then I'm getting: Trans-ABySS 2.0.1 CMD: /projects/software/transabyss-2.0.1/transabyss-2.0.1//transabyss --name assemblyname_32 --pe /tmp/annew/R1.fq /tmp/annew/R2.fq --kmer 32 --outdir /tmp/annew/stuff_32test --threads 1 --mpi 0 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Found Trans-ABySS directory at: /projects/software/transabyss-2.0.1/transabyss-2.0.1 Found Trans-ABySS `bin` directory at: /projects/software/transabyss-2.0.1/transabyss-2.0.1/bin Found script at: /projects/software/transabyss-2.0.1/transabyss-2.0.1/bin/skip_psl_self.awk Found script at: /projects/software/transabyss-2.0.1/transabyss-2.0.1/bin/skip_psl_self_ss.awk Found `abyss-pe' at /usr/bin/abyss-pe Found `MergeContigs' at /scratch/software/abyss_2.1.5/MergePaths/MergeContigs Found `abyss-filtergraph' at /scratch/software/abyss_2.1.5/FilterGraph/abyss-filtergraph Found `abyss-junction' at /scratch/software/abyss_2.1.5/Scaffold/abyss-junction Found `blat' at /projects/software/transabyss-2.0.1/bin/blat Found `abyss-map' at /scratch/software/abyss_2.1.5/Map/abyss-map # CPU(s) available: 144 # thread(s) requested: 1 # thread(s) to use: 1 Creating output directory: /tmp/annew/stuff_32test CMD: bash -euo pipefail -c 'abyss-pe graph=adj --directory=/tmp/annew/stuff_32test k=32 name=assemblyname_32 E=0 e=2 c=2 j=1 assemblyname_32-1.fa assemblyname_32-1.adj q=3 se="/tmp/annew/R1.fq /tmp/annew/R2.fq"' make: Entering directory '/tmp/annew/stuff_32test' /usr/bin/mpirun -np 1 ABYSS-P -k32 -q3 -e2 -E0 -c2 --coverage-hist=coverage.hist -s assemblyname_32-bubbles.fa -o assemblyname_32-1.fa /tmp/annew/R1.fq /tmp/annew/R2.fq ABySS 2.0.2 ABYSS-P -k32 -q3 -e2 -E0 -c2 --coverage-hist=coverage.hist -s assemblyname_32-bubbles.fa -o assemblyname_32-1.fa /tmp/annew/R1.fq /tmp/annew/R2.fq Running on 1 processors 0: Running on host foo 0: Reading `/tmp/annew/R1.fq'...
Which suggests to me that it's not recognising the reads as paired. I'd be delighted to be wrong, though!
HI @webbchen ,
This is the intended behavior for the unitig stage of ABySS. The paired-end reads will be aligned to the assembled unitigs afterwards.
Ka Ming
Hi Ka Ming
Many thanks for clarifying this so quickly!
Hi, I'm implementing Trans-ABySS in an SLURM HPC system, when I call the CMD in the master node the script calls abyss-pe, but for some reason when I call the CMD in some other node is calling ABYSS-P instead of abyss-pe, I tried suppresing the MPI processes in the CMD with
mpi 0
but it's not working (as you can see the following out)Is something wrong with the CMD or the installation, Thanks in advance, Luis Alfonso.