bchanudet / OctoPrint-Octorant

Discord plugin for OctoPrint
MIT License
26 stars 14 forks source link

Offer to send the GCODE thumbnail along the message #47

Closed mavermc closed 1 year ago

mavermc commented 3 years ago

Pull and post the PrusaSlic3r image that's embedded in the gcode, this plugin is able to pull and display them: https://github.com/jneilliii/OctoPrint-PrusaSlicerThumbnails

It be cool if the initial discord message that it started printed would include this preview of what's going to be printed

bchanudet commented 3 years ago


That indeed seems like a useful thing to have when starting the print (more useful than a snapshot of an empty bed atleast), I'll have a look at what I can do there. :)