bchanudet / OctoPrint-Octorant

Discord plugin for OctoPrint
MIT License
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Feature Request - Allow to message user directly with '@user####' in the message #51

Closed rileyschuit closed 3 years ago

rileyschuit commented 3 years ago

There may already be a solution out there but I haven't found it. I attempted to do '@discordusername####' on the beginning of my message and it makes it literal in the message in my group.

Thanks in advance. I absolutely love this plugin, keep it up.

bchanudet commented 3 years ago

Hello and thanks for using OctoRant :)

You're not the first to report this kind of problem, and it seems that Discord did some work to harden the way mentions work within Webhooks. I suppose to avoid users being spammed by a unfriendly bot?

After some investigation, I found a way to push notifications to a specific user (@here and @everyone are still working).

First, instead of using the user handle, you'll need to get the ID of the User. A support page from Discord is available for this : https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/206346498-Where-can-I-find-my-User-Server-Message-ID-

Then in OctoRant settings, you'll have to use the following format: <@user_id>, where user_id will be the long number you'll get from Discord.

Here is a screenshot of what it looks like on my virtual setup: image

You'll need the same kind of things to notify roles, using the format: <@&role_id> (note the & character used to distinguish roles from users).

The format is well hidden in the developer documention of Discord, I may write something in the wiki to help others in the future.

Hope this helps!

rileyschuit commented 3 years ago

AWESOME! Consider this closed. Thank you so much. Keep up the good work!