bchanudet / OctoPrint-Octorant

Discord plugin for OctoPrint
MIT License
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Custom Server Emoji #73

Open BarylRolls opened 11 months ago

BarylRolls commented 11 months ago

Is there a way to get it to be able to use custom server emoji? Currently whenever I try to use them it just displays the text

bchanudet commented 11 months ago


A quick search on Google finds me this Reddit thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/discordapp/comments/n5barb/custom_emojis_arent_working_in_webhook/

According to this thread it should be possible to use the syntax <:emoji_name:emoji_id>. The ID being the number you can get by typing \ :emoji_name: in any channel of the corresponding server.

Custom emoji usage being restricted by a few things (server subscription, user subscription, server permissions, etc), there might be other things that could prevent the emoji to work as expected. But I'm not sure Discord sends back the error to the webhook caller (here being OctoRant).

I'm not part of any server that could help me test or even debug this, so I'd appreciate any feedback you have on this if you do some tests. I'll update the "Message format" section of the Readme then. :)