bchavez / Bogus

:card_index: A simple fake data generator for C#, F#, and VB.NET. Based on and ported from the famed faker.js.
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Generate same CPF in Brazil extensions #340

Closed tborgesa closed 3 years ago

tborgesa commented 3 years ago

Version Information

Software Version(s)
Bogus NuGet Package 32.0.1
.NET Core? 3.1
Windows OS? 10
Visual Studio? 2019 Enterprise

What locale are you using with Bogus?


What is the expected behavior?

That Each time i invoker Person.Cpf() for the same instance of Faker generate diferent result, like a Company.Cnpj()

What is the actual behavior?

Faker generate the same result fot diferent invoke.

How do you reproduce the issue?

static void Main(string[] args)
            var faker = new Faker("pt_BR");
            for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++)
bchavez commented 3 years ago

Hi @tborgesa,

I think the code you're looking for is:

static void Main(string[] args)
   for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++)
      var p = new Person("pt_BR");


If you'd like to know why your code doesn't work, consider the following:

void Main()
   var faker = new Faker("pt_BR");



The reason faker.Person is the same on every property access is that faker.Person is only supposed to be used in Faker<T>.RuleFor( f => f.Person ). The f in .RuleFor( f => ...) is faker except that Faker<T> is creating the new person on every Faker<T>.Generate() call. The .RuleFor( f => f.Person ) context property needs to be the same object across multiple calls of Faker<T>.RuleFor( f => f.Person.__ ).

If you call a Property, it should be the same object. If you all a Method(), it should be a different return value.

I hope that helps! Brian

tborgesa commented 3 years ago

Hi @bchavez ,

Thanks for support. I understand that Person is te same.

Another question. Why the same scenario in the Company for Cnpj() works fine, even though the same instance.

Consider the following:

          static void Main(string[] args)
            var faker = new Faker("pt_BR");



Look at the result:


Thanks. Thiago.

bchavez commented 3 years ago

Hi @tborgesa,

The reason is:

faker.Person is an object https://github.com/bchavez/Bogus/blob/5219e22de7767ceb6bb64e4cff379f39ef84cf18/Source/Bogus/Person.cs#L12

faker.Company is a DataSet https://github.com/bchavez/Bogus/blob/5219e22de7767ceb6bb64e4cff379f39ef84cf18/Source/Bogus/DataSets/Company.cs#L9

DataSets do not contain contextually relevant data for use across multiple calls of Faker<T>:

   .RuleFor(f=> f.Company.CompanName()) // no context needed "Box and Paper Company"
   .RuleFor(f=> f.Person.FirstName ) // person context needed! - "Brian"
   .RuleFor(f=> f.Person.Email ) // person context needed for first name in fake email - "brian587@yahoo.com"

faker.Person is the only object on Faker that is used for this purpose. faker.Person is purely a convenience property to store contextual information about a Person because there is no "C# Extension Property" in the C# language yet.

It was mostly a design decision. One way to clean this up, of course, is to inherit from Faker:

public class FakerForFakerT : Faker{

    public Person Person {get;set;}
public class Faker<T>...
   public FakerForFakerT faker = new FakerForFakerT();
   RuleFor(Expression property, Func<FakerForFakerT> setterAction);

But eh, I didn't feel it was worth going through the whole ceremony of managing two separate classes Faker and FakerForFakerT when they're basically the same thing just one derived class has a contextual "Person". Also, it would have made extending Bogus' Faker<T> slightly more complex.

Eventually, hopefully, someday "C# Extension Properties" will clean this up in the future.