bchavez / Bogus

:card_index: A simple fake data generator for C#, F#, and VB.NET. Based on and ported from the famed faker.js.
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Random history facts generation #525

Open Thaeedd opened 6 months ago

Thaeedd commented 6 months ago


Purpose: The feature aims to enhance Bogus by including a random historical facts generator.

Expected Behavior: The user should be able to generate random historical facts without specifying years. The generated data should include a mix of historical events from different time periods.

Potential Use Cases: Generating historical data for testing and development purposes. Adding realism to applications that require historical context.

LINQPad Code Example

var faker = new Faker();
string randomHistoricalFact = faker.Events.History();

What alternatives have you considered?

  1. External APIs: Considered using external APIs that provide historical facts. Issues: Dependency on external services, potential reliability issues. Privacy and security concerns.
    1. Manual Customization: Users manually curating and inputting their historical facts. Issues: Tedious and time-consuming for users. Limited diversity in generated data.

Could you help with a pull-request?
