bchavez / RethinkDb.Driver

:headphones: A NoSQL C#/.NET RethinkDB database driver with 100% ReQL API coverage.
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ReQL AST Now Using .NET Naming Conventions #29

Closed bchavez closed 8 years ago

bchavez commented 8 years ago

Capitulated on #18 - .NET naming conventions now honored in the ReQL AST.

Capitalization works without having to touch or mutate any YAML unit tests coming from Java... basically, what i'm doing is playing a temporary trick with the access modifier by using public and internal per method signature in the ReQL AST:

public Uuid Uuid ( Object expr )
   return uuid ( expr );
internal Uuid uuid ( Object expr )
    Arguments arguments = new Arguments();
    return new Uuid (arguments);

So, now all public ReQL APIs use R.Uuid("foo") and follow .NET naming conventions ... all it does is forward to the internal API. Internal APIs can still be accessed by the YAML tests assembly by special assembly permission... this way Java YAML tests won't need any mutations when being imported. This temproary until the rethinkdb Testing System evolves into https://github.com/rethinkdb/rethinkdb/issues/5003#issuecomment-167766314

Complete discussion on Slack: https://rethinkdb.slack.com/archives/driver-dev/p1455312319001393

Using CI server to ensure this PR passes.