bcholmes / StarTrek2d20

Character creation tool for Star Trek Adventures RPG from Modiphius.
ISC License
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Klingon House Support #26

Open Felderburg opened 2 years ago

Felderburg commented 2 years ago

I assume that doing Klingon Houses is on the agenda, but I figured I would make it an actual "issue" so that any suggestions about it could be kept somewhere. It seems to me that it could use the same mechanics that the "alternate" lifepath options do, given that it essentially replaces steps in the lifepath. I suppose the only issue would then be adding the House itself's attributes/stats and the extra trait(s).

Felderburg commented 2 years ago

As a portion of this, the house talents need to be added. This view should show them: https://airtable.com/shr4kOyMU0kupqZrU (Edit: they perhaps should be added to the talent overview list anyway?)

I'm not sure how the restrictions for talents work within the app, so they would certainly need to be available in the lifepath steps replaced with House steps, but then should be available later as well for House members if possible. Which implies somehow tagging a character as a member of a House type after they choose that path.