bcholmes / StarTrek2d20

Character creation tool for Star Trek Adventures RPG from Modiphius.
ISC License
18 stars 7 forks source link

Cadets #49

Closed Felderburg closed 2 years ago

Felderburg commented 2 years ago

Per comments on modiphius forums, cadets are an odd thing. Just making this an actual "issue" so it can be addressed here/notes or discussion about its technical aspects can be kept on github.

Felderburg commented 2 years ago

As noted on the forums, "cadet" is a rank, not a role. Cadets go through step 5 (or 6 for higher-level cadets) of lifepath creation. The remaining points are meant to be granted in game, when the character becomes what they would be as if a "young officer" was rolled up at creation.

So it seems like a cadet would have an option at step to be an upper-level cadet, and get that single career event if wanted, before being taken to the end screen.


I wonder if cadets are an ideal testbed for modifying characters after the fact... or maybe their special case would make it weird? But it does seem like allowing a person to come back in and add step 6, and then step 7, might be useful for cadets.

bcholmes commented 2 years ago

Cadet support added.