bchretien / arch-ros-stacks

:package: AUR packages of ROS stacks.
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indigo: add ecl_core #47

Closed romainreignier closed 8 years ago

romainreignier commented 8 years ago

Add the ecl_core stack to update every package at once.

bchretien commented 8 years ago

If the Travis checks fail, try to take a look at the logs. You will see the list of submodules that could not be fetched from the AUR. Here the problematic submodules are:

Following submodules have not been updated:

  • indigo/ecl_command_line
  • indigo/ecl_concepts
  • indigo/ecl_config
  • indigo/ecl_containers
  • indigo/ecl_converters
  • indigo/ecl_devices
  • indigo/ecl_eigen
  • indigo/ecl_errors
  • indigo/ecl_exceptions
  • indigo/ecl_formatters
  • indigo/ecl_geometry
  • indigo/ecl_linear_algebra
  • indigo/ecl_math
  • indigo/ecl_mpl
  • indigo/ecl_sigslots
  • indigo/ecl_streams
  • indigo/ecl_threads
  • indigo/ecl_time
  • indigo/ecl_time_lite
  • indigo/ecl_type_traits
  • indigo/ecl_utilities

The new commits for these submodules need to be pushed to the AUR. Note that the Travis build can be re-run manually once you pushed the commits.

bchretien commented 8 years ago

Also, to make the update process easier, it's probably better to do the following:

That prevents .gitmodules conflicts between different PR.

romainreignier commented 8 years ago

Hi, First of all, I am very sorry for this total mess. I was trying to use some scripts to ease the process of updating packages and something went wrong and I did not spot it.

C'est en forgeant qu'on devient forgeron...

I went to bed without checking the TravisCI results, my bad. I have now pushed all the packages to AUR. But I don't know how to run manually the TravisCI.

For the process for the PR I agree with you. I was thinking that one PR per package/stack was clearer but did not think about conflicts in the .gitmodules.

I am sorry.

romainreignier commented 8 years ago

Oups, it seems that closing then reopen the PR does not trigger the TravisCI build :(

bchretien commented 8 years ago

To rebuild a PR on Travis, there's a button you can push on the build's page, the one with the circular arrow:


I assumed the one making the PR could also activate it, but I guess that's only the case on the fork.

romainreignier commented 8 years ago

Ok, I see but I do not have the button. I guess only users with write access can trigger a new build.

bchretien commented 8 years ago

For projects to which you contribute a lot, it's worth enabling Travis on your fork. That way you can validate your changes even before making a PR. I'll fix the .travis.yml to enable it on any branch.

PR rebased in 8612236c58f689bc7304f389efd70499350e6008, thanks!