bchretien / arch-ros-stacks

:package: AUR packages of ROS stacks.
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Naming appropriately source tarballs and (git) repos #51

Closed tsirif closed 8 years ago

tsirif commented 8 years ago

Hello there! In the last update to 1.11.11-0 of vision_opencv, opencv-apps, image-geometry, cv-bridge indigo source packages are all being downloaded as 1.11.11-0.tar.gz, so aur manager cannot differentiate between them and sha256sums are also different. Could you add "${_dir}.tar.gz":: before the url string of source package in PKGBUILDs? (_dir is the var that you define at the line above)

Same thing happens in ros-indigo-pr2_description.

In general, I propose naming corresponding source files/folders appropriately as it is done for packages.

Thank you in advance

bchretien commented 8 years ago

Thanks, this will be done automatically for future updates.