Open VitaliKStud opened 2 months ago
dashed is only defined in authortitle.bbx and authoryear.bbx (in biblatex) and these are used in a plenty of styles.
imho it would be easier to pass have the options configurable in r; the whole biblio-style handling might need some rework. here, it seems like a fixed style is loaded in any case:
there is a conflict if I would like to use:
EXAMPLE ########################### bibliography: references.bib biblio-style: numeric ###########################
Probably needed something like if "authoryear-comp" then keep this else delete this line.
$if(biblio-style == "authoryear-comp")$ \ExecuteBibliographyOptions{bibencoding=utf8,minnames=1,maxnames=3, maxbibnames=99,dashed=false,terseinits=true,giveninits=true,uniquename=false,uniquelist=false,doi=false, isbn=false,url=true,sortcites=false} $endif$
Thx, best regards