I have been using this for some time and happy with the info it provides and the low resources it needs
However, it would be more practical to have an optional port to locally open the container, i.e. use docker-compose and have it accessed behind a reverse proxy rather than running it attached mode using CLI.
for example:
docker run --name=ctop-p 1234:1234--volume /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro quay.io/vektorlab/ctop:latest
I have been using this for some time and happy with the info it provides and the low resources it needs
However, it would be more practical to have an optional port to locally open the container, i.e. use docker-compose and have it accessed behind a reverse proxy rather than running it attached mode using CLI.
for example:
docker run --name=ctop
-p 1234:1234--volume /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro quay.io/vektorlab/ctop:latest