bcit-ci / CodeIgniter

Open Source PHP Framework (originally from EllisLab)
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Wrong vendor/autoload.php being loaded by default. #5949

Closed technoknol closed 4 years ago

technoknol commented 4 years ago


Enabling $config['composer_autoload'] = TRUE; will load file from application/vendor/autoload.php.

But default CodeIgniter has composer.json file on project root. So by default vendor folder will be generated on root.

Possible Fix

To fix this I need to set this variable like below, which is not good for all users.

$config['composer_autoload'] = FCPATH. 'vendor'. DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'autoload.php';

Correct way

CodeIgniter should load file by default from FCPATH/vendor/autoload.php. This can be changed in system/core/CodeIgniter.php file.

gxgpet commented 4 years ago

The composer.json from the CodeIgniter's root it's for the framework's own purpose (as listing on Packagist), and shouldn't be really changed by your project.

Also, keep in mind that the same system directory can be used for multiple application directories. And changing it the way it works now it would trigger BC breaks (if you're saying about replacing the current default path with the new one).

technoknol commented 4 years ago

Why changing composer.json for my own project is not recommended? Once I've required my project composer.json file is not longer CodeIgniter's own file. I can't see any problem doing so. Like other frameworks like (Laravel, laminas-mvc-skeleton) there are composer.json and that's for their packagist purpose too. But still people require it and use it the way they want.

Regarding having multiple application directories, I believe majority of people are be using single directory, so setting that flag TRUE makes very easy for them. Also who are using multiple directories are considered advanced users and they can find their way around.

gxgpet commented 4 years ago

I'm not sure how Laravel works, it may create a composer.json for you via some of its tools, yes, but for sure you are not changing the framework's own composer.json, which stays untouched in the package source directory.

Once I've required my project composer.json file is not longer CodeIgniter's own file.

my project composer.json != CodeIgniter's own file. It's either yours or the project's one. If you change it, it's not the CodeIgniter's anymore.

Also who are using multiple directories are considered advanced users and they can find their way around.

You can't simply throw that in people's faces... Their project is working because it's made based on the CI's documentation. There is nothing broken and thus, they shouldn't change the way it already works. Here you are taking into consideration a personal preference, which, of course, you can do it already by setting the $config['composer_autoload'] to a path, and not to TRUE.

I was giving an example of users (the ones with multiple application instances), but it's not only related to those, but to all CI developers which are using composer autoloading: you change the default path, then they must change the dir where the composer is being installed. And it makes no sense for them to do that, for their already working projects...

technoknol commented 4 years ago

I've checked Laravel by installing and then comparing composer file with my local and the one which is in github repo. There's nothing special. Yes there are some scripts that are some framework specific stuff.

I doubt what's special in CodeIgniter's composer.json file which prevents user from changing or installing new packages? Even if there's any purpose how would that affect package source directory/packagist mapping, after it's cloned on user's machine?

Regarding all CI developers it won't affect their existing projects. What I suggested can be released in newer version.

narfbg commented 4 years ago

Odd ... I thought I'd replied to this issue already, maybe something interrupted me while writing.

@gxgpet has pretty much covered all the issues.