bclindner / chipbot2.0

Discord port of the original IRC Chiptunes=WIN bot.
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Karma permissions system #2

Closed bclindner closed 5 years ago

bclindner commented 5 years ago

It should be possible to disable upvoting and downvoting for certain cursed/blessed karma subjects, e.g. Other M and Chiptunes=WIN, respectively. Configuration should be under a "blacklist" object in the karma config JSON, I think. Maybe add an isBlackListed method to the KarmaManger object for this? Maybe canUpvote or canDownvote?

ViridianForge commented 5 years ago

It may be overfeatured - but I think having both canUpvote and canDownvote would capture the isBlackListed functionality.

Perhaps setting this for a given term could be restricted to folks with the mod flag?

bclindner commented 5 years ago

I'm mostly interested in implementing this as a way of handling the Other M ridicule system - we can disable upvoting on it, and then route people to a set of generics for both upvoting otherm and downvoting chiptune/chiptunes/chiptuneswin.

bclindner commented 5 years ago

Permissions system is in place - a simple canUpvote and canDownvote object - and is implemented in the karma voting system, throwing a "can't upvote that" message when doing otherm++ (or anything with canUpvote === false in the table), and vice-versa for downvote. Ridicule stuff is next up.

I may remake KarmaManager into a KarmaSubject class later on to better organize things.