bclswl0827 / ChatGemini

✨ ChatGemini 是一个基于 Google Gemini 的网页客户端,对标 ChatGPT 3.5,操作逻辑同 ChatGPT 3.5 一致,同时支持在聊天中上传图片,应用会自动调用 Gemini-Pro-Vision 模型进行识图。
MIT License
904 stars 247 forks source link

[GoogleGenerativeAI Error]: Error fetching from https://generativelanguage.googleapis.com/v1/models/gemini-pro:streamGenerateContent?alt=sse: Failed to fetch #17

Closed ikexue closed 5 months ago

ikexue commented 5 months ago

Frequent "[GoogleGenerativeAI Error]: Error fetching from https://generativelanguage.googleapis.com/v1/models/gemini-pro: streamGenerateContent?alt=sse: Failed to fetch". streamGenerateContent?alt=sse: Failed to fetch", I don't know why?

bclswl0827 commented 5 months ago

Failed to fetch

It seems that you cannot connect to Google's API directly for various reasons. If you're in China, please use some VPN/Proxy service to bypass the GFW and try again, or follow the README tutorial to set up a reverse proxy.

ikexue commented 5 months ago

thanks,my server is located in usa