bconnorwhite / local-climbing-route-search

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Add page for each problem #4

Open bconnorwhite opened 1 year ago

ghost commented 1 year ago

[!NOTE] Status: Completed ✅ I've gathered some more information about this issue:

🔬 Preliminary Research

This issue is about adding a page for each problem in the local-climbing-route-search repository. The repository is a web application that allows users to search for local climbing routes. The application is built with TypeScript and React, and it uses Create React App as the framework.

The project structure follows a convention where React components are stored in the pages/ directory. Each file in the pages/ directory is automatically routed to a URL associated with the file name. For example, the React component inside pages/dashboard.jsx is routed to ${URL}/dashboard.

To add a page for each problem, a new file should be created in the pages/ directory with the desired name. The file should export a React component that represents the page for the problem. The component can be composed of smaller standalone components, which can be stored in the components/ directory. The components can be imported and used in the desired file. If there are components of similar kinds, they can be organized into different folders inside the components/ directory. Similarly, if there are pages that fall into specific categories, they can be organized into directories inside the pages/ directory.

In addition to components and pages, the repository also has directories for storing external files such as images and fonts. Images can be stored in the public/assets/ directory, and fonts can be stored in the public/fonts/ directory. The repository also has separate directories for custom hooks, types, and utility functions.

Further research within the codebase or documentation may be needed to understand the specific implementation details and requirements for adding a page for each problem. For example, it might be necessary to understand how the application handles routing, how data is fetched and displayed, and how user interactions are handled. It might also be useful to look into how the application handles error pages, such as 404 pages, and how it redirects users to these pages when they try to access a page that does not exist.

In terms of external resources, there are several tutorials and guides available on the web that provide information on how to handle routing in React applications, how to add new pages, and how to handle dynamic routes. These resources can provide useful background information and practical examples that can help in understanding and addressing this issue.

ghost commented 1 year ago

[!NOTE] I've completed my work on this issue.

🔨 Understand the Implementation Details for Adding a New Page

Investigate the local-climbing-route-search repository to understand the specific implementation details and requirements for adding a new page for each problem. This includes understanding how the application handles routing, how data is fetched and displayed, and how user interactions are handled. Also, look into how the application handles error pages, such as 404 pages, and how it redirects users to these pages when they try to access a page that does not exist. Additionally, consult external resources on handling routing in React applications, adding new pages, and handling dynamic routes.
- [x] **🔬 Understand the Routing Mechanism in the local-climbing-route-search Repository** Investigate the local-climbing-route-search repository to understand how it handles routing. This includes understanding how routes are defined, how dynamic routes are handled, and how navigation between pages is implemented. Consult the codebase, particularly the files in the './src/' directory, and external resources on handling routing in React applications. Pay special attention to the use of React Router or Next.js for routing, as these are commonly used libraries for managing navigation and routing in React applications. - [x] **🔬 Understand the Data Fetching and Display Mechanism** Investigate how the local-climbing-route-search repository fetches and displays data. This includes understanding how data is fetched from an API or a local JSON file, how the fetched data is stored in the state, and how it is used to render components. Consult the codebase, particularly the './src/App.tsx' and './src/tempData.json' files, and external resources on data fetching in React applications. Pay special attention to the use of the 'useState' and 'useEffect' hooks for managing state and side effects, as these are fundamental concepts in React. - [ ] **🔬 Understand the User Interaction Mechanism in the Context of Data Display** Investigate how the local-climbing-route-search repository handles user interactions with the displayed climbing routes. This includes understanding how events are handled, how the state is updated in response to user interactions, and how these updates affect the rendered components. Consult the codebase, particularly the './src/App.tsx' and './src/CriteriaBar.tsx' files, and external resources on handling user interactions in React applications. Pay special attention to the use of event handlers and the 'useState' hook for managing state, as these are key concepts in React. - [ ] **🔬 Understand the Error Handling Mechanism in the Context of Data Fetching and Display** Investigate how the local-climbing-route-search repository handles errors related to data fetching and display. This includes understanding how the application handles scenarios where the data cannot be fetched from the local JSON file, how it displays error messages to the user, and how it recovers from these errors. Consult the codebase and external resources on handling errors in React applications. Pay special attention to the use of the 'catch' block in promises and the 'componentDidCatch' lifecycle method in class components, as these are common ways of handling errors in React. - [ ] **🔬 Understand the Requirements for Implementing Routing in the Context of Data Fetching and Display** Based on the understanding of the routing, data fetching and display, user interaction, and error handling mechanisms in the local-climbing-route-search repository, determine the specific implementation details and requirements for implementing routing in the application. This includes understanding how routes should be defined, how dynamic routes should be handled, and how navigation between pages should be implemented. Consider how routing would interact with the data fetching and display mechanism. For instance, how would the application fetch and display data for a specific climbing route when a user navigates to the page for that route? Consult the codebase and external resources on implementing routing in React applications.