bconnorwhite / local-climbing-route-search

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Add page for each problem #7

Open bconnorwhite opened 1 year ago

ghost commented 1 year ago

[!NOTE] Status: Completed ✅ I've gathered some more information about this issue:

🔬 Preliminary Research

The issue titled "Add page for each problem" suggests that the engineer is tasked with creating a new page for each problem in the local-climbing-route-search application. This application is built using React and TypeScript, and it allows users to search and view climbing routes in the Austin Area based on specific criteria.

The application is organized into several directories and files, each serving a specific purpose. The './src/' directory contains the source code and assets required for building the application, including React components, stylesheets, test files, and a service worker for offline capabilities. The './public/' directory houses static assets and configuration files that enhance the appearance, functionality, and accessibility of the application.

The 'package.json' file lists the project's dependencies and scripts for running, testing, and building the application. The 'tsconfig.json' file configures the TypeScript compiler, and the '.gitignore' file specifies files and directories to be ignored by Git. The 'postcss.config.js' and 'tailwind.config.js' files configure the PostCSS tool and the Tailwind CSS framework, respectively.

The application is styled using CSS and the Tailwind CSS framework, ensuring a visually appealing and consistent user experience. The 'README.md' file provides information about the project and instructions for using the available scripts. The 'yarn.lock' and 'package-lock.json' files ensure consistent and reproducible installations of dependencies.

Based on the information from the web, Next.js, which is the framework used in the repository, allows for the creation of dynamic pages by wrapping the filename in brackets. For example, to display blog posts with different slugs, a "blog" folder can be created in the "pages" directory with the filename: [slug].js. The dynamic value can be accessed using the useRouter hook provided by Next.js.

However, the documentation does not provide specific information about adding a page for each problem. Therefore, further research within the codebase or documentation is needed to understand how the issue of adding a page for each problem can be addressed in the local-climbing-route-search repository. The specific implementation details and requirements for adding pages for each problem are not covered in the provided documentation.

ghost commented 1 year ago

[!NOTE] Status: Completed ✅ I've added some more information about this issue:

🔬 Investigate how to add a page for each problem in the local-climbing-route-search application

Conduct a thorough investigation of the local-climbing-route-search application's codebase and documentation to understand the process of adding a new page for each problem. Understand the creation of dynamic pages in the Next.js framework used in the repository.

To add a new page for each problem in the local-climbing-route-search application, which is built using the Next.js framework, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a new file in the pages directory with the desired name for the route. For example, to create a page for a problem with an ID, you can create a file called pages/problems/[id].js.

  2. Export a React component from the file. This component will represent the content of the page. For example:

export default function ProblemPage() {
  return <div>Problem Details</div>
  1. The created page will be accessible at the corresponding route based on the file name. For example, if the file is pages/problems/[id].js, the page will be accessible at /problems/1, /problems/2, and so on.

Next.js also supports nested routes. If you create a nested folder structure within the pages directory, the files will be automatically routed accordingly.

To create dynamic pages, you can use square brackets in the file name to define a parameter. For example, if you create a file called pages/posts/[id].js, it will be accessible at posts/1, posts/2, etc.

To define layouts for the pages, you can use the layout pattern. You can create a layout component that wraps the content of each page. For example:

import Navbar from './navbar'
import Footer from './footer'

export default function Layout({ children }) {
  return (
      <Navbar />
      <Footer />

Then, you can either use a single shared layout with a custom app or define per-page layouts using the getLayout property. Here are examples of both approaches:

Single Shared Layout with Custom App:

import Layout from '../components/layout'

export default function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }) {
  return (
      <Component {...pageProps} />

Per-Page Layouts:

import Layout from '../components/layout'
import NestedLayout from '../components/nested-layout'

export default function Page() {
  return (
    /** Your content */

Page.getLayout = function getLayout(page) {
  return (

Please note that the provided information is based on the Next.js documentation and may not be specific to the local-climbing-route-search application. You may need to adapt the code snippets to fit the specific structure and requirements of the application.

ghost commented 1 year ago

[!NOTE] Here's an outline for how you might approach this issue:

📋 Create a New Page for Each Problem in the Local-Climbing-Route-Search Application

Ensure that each page has a defined layout. The layout should wrap the content of each page and can either be shared across all pages or specific to each page.
- [ ] **🔬 Research on how to create new pages in Next.js** Research on how to create new pages in Next.js. This includes understanding the file structure for pages in Next.js, how to create static and dynamic pages, and how to pass data to pages. This research will also cover how to define a layout that wraps the content of each page, which can either be shared across all pages or specific to each page. - [ ] **🔨 Create a new page for each problem** Based on the research, create a new page for each problem in the local-climbing-route-search application. This involves creating a new file in the `pages` directory for each problem. Each file should export a React component that represents the page. The content of each page should be wrapped in a layout component, which can either be shared across all pages or specific to each page. - [ ] **🔨 Define a layout for each page** Define a layout that wraps the content of each page. This can be achieved by creating a layout component and wrapping the content of each page in this component. The layout component can either be shared across all pages or specific to each page. The layout component should be defined in a separate file and imported into each page file. - [ ] **🔨 Test the new pages** After creating the new pages and defining their layouts, test the pages to ensure they are working as expected. This involves navigating to each page in the browser and checking that the layout and content are displayed correctly. If any issues are found, make the necessary adjustments to the page files. - [ ] **🔨 Document the changes** Document the changes made to the application. This includes describing the new pages that were created, explaining how the layout was defined for each page, and detailing any issues that were encountered and how they were resolved. This documentation should be added to the README file of the application.