bcs4313 / Artifacts-Of-DOOM

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Another possible Bug situation, where railgunner zoomed in Golem polygon will disappear/ turn invisible / transparent. #9

Open KaitoXion opened 11 months ago

KaitoXion commented 11 months ago

As per title,

Railgunner zoomed in Golem polygon will disappear.

Artifact activated during the run: Artifact of the Titan (Vers 1.6.3)

The polygon of the the Golem will disappear entirely. Yes, the entire body turns invisible. Well, is like is a feature in a way.

bcs4313 commented 11 months ago

Interesting bug. I will look and see if I can reproduce the issue myself. If I do then I'll see what I can do.

KaitoXion commented 11 months ago

Thank you very much for your kind attempt to have a look at it when you felt like it.

Were just planning to inform about such information only. Am not really sure if its intentional or a bug really though it seems to happens toward all golem for some reason.

I sometime will activate this artifact together with Artifact of the Titan (Vers 1.6.3), not always,
Artifact of Entropy from:


Well, I think it didn't really exactly effect the game play. Is almost like a feature in a way. (Nerve railgunner in a way)

Still your kindness is much appreciated.