bcsphere / bluetooth

Please support! Kindly "Star" this standard Bluetooth Smart API / SDK :) The "bcsphere/bluetooth" is a phonegap/cordova plugin. It's a Bluetooth JavaScript API from JUMA, a Bluetooth expert team. It supports both Bluetooth 4.0 GATT/Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) interface in iOS/Android and Bluetooth 2.1 Classic Rfcomm / L2cap socket interface as Bluetooth Serial Port/SPP, as well as iBeacon!
Apache License 2.0
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about parsing advertisement data #30

Open yubozhao opened 10 years ago

yubozhao commented 10 years ago


I am trying to parse the advertisement packet after successful scan. The current project broadcast device data through advertisement instead of gong through connect & discover.

Do you guys know how could I parse the advertisement data?

lizhijumacc commented 10 years ago

Here is the document: http://www.bcsphere.org/portal.php?mod=topic&topicid=3
The device advertisement data, includes LocalName, TxPowerLevel, IsConnectable, ServiceData, ManufacturerData, ServiceUUIDs, SolicitedServiceUUIDs, OverflowServiceUUIDs

access the advertisement data like this: advdata["LocalName"]

yubozhao commented 10 years ago

Hi Thank you for the link, I will check it out