bcsphere / bluetooth

Please support! Kindly "Star" this standard Bluetooth Smart API / SDK :) The "bcsphere/bluetooth" is a phonegap/cordova plugin. It's a Bluetooth JavaScript API from JUMA, a Bluetooth expert team. It supports both Bluetooth 4.0 GATT/Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) interface in iOS/Android and Bluetooth 2.1 Classic Rfcomm / L2cap socket interface as Bluetooth Serial Port/SPP, as well as iBeacon!
Apache License 2.0
298 stars 12 forks source link

Phonegab build problem #31

Open steen-hansen opened 10 years ago

steen-hansen commented 10 years ago

I have used this plugin on android locally and it work perfect, when I am using it on phonegap build, it fails with the error

Uncaught module org.bluetooth.service.link_loss not found at file:///android_asset/www/cordova.js?bust=1417714128221:59

As far as I can see, the org.bluetooth.service.link_loss is different from the version on phonegap build, in the file cordova_plugins.js it is on :

the example: "id": "org.bluetooth.service.link_loss",

phonegap build: "id": "org.bcsphere.bluetooth.bluetooth.service.link_loss",

lizhijumacc commented 10 years ago

Thanks for your using.. if you doesn't use the link_loss profile, you can just delete it from the cordova_plugin.js

BA91187 commented 10 years ago

I had the same issue on phonegap build the cordova.require("path") were not correctly set. I have to change them manually. After that it worked fine and the module were found.

steen-hansen commented 10 years ago

Hi lizhijumacc. Thanks for you reply, I can delete link_loss profile (locally), but I not sure on Phonegab build, because it is generated when it is build, and after build the file is signed.

steen-hansen commented 10 years ago

Hi BA91187. Thanks for you reply, How can you change it after is has been build on Phonegab build, because when It is build the file is signed.

ymlan commented 9 years ago

Dear sir,

I tried whole day, it still complains file:///android_asset/www/cordova.js: Line 59 : Uncaught module org.bluetooth.service.link_loss not found

even I deleted the lines in cordova_plugins.js , nothing changed. Can you kindly release a working sample project that we can follow ? Or give procedures to deal with this.

I use local build. Everything local, with Android Studio 1.0

dantiana commented 9 years ago

Android local build issue is fixed. please try again. Sorry for late reply.

TRMack commented 9 years ago

Would it be possible to update the plugin on Phonegap Build? I see that 0.5.1 was uploaded in November but this fix was pulled in January. At the moment I'm not able to get this plugin to work in iOS using Phonegap Build.

thanhtung1509 commented 9 years ago

@DanTiana I have the same problem with phonegap build. Any idea for work around?