bczsalba / pytermgui

Python TUI framework with mouse support, modular widget system, customizable and rapid terminal markup language and more!
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[BUG]sequences error #99

Closed RshaCuDeVidro closed 1 year ago

RshaCuDeVidro commented 1 year ago

←[1m←[36mPy←[90mTe←[37mrm←[37mGU←[37mI←[39m←[0m←[0m version ←[37m7.2.0←[0m

←[37m←[1mSystem details:←[0m ←[37m Python version: ←[39m←[37m3.10.6←[0m ←[37m $TERM: ←[39m←[37mNone←[0m ←[37m $COLORTERM: ←[39m←[37mNone←[0m ←[37m Color support: ←[39m←[37mColorSystem.STANDARD←[0m ←[37m OS Platform: ←[39m←[37mWindows-10-10.0.19044-SP0←[0m

bczsalba commented 1 year ago

This is an issue on Windows' side, but should be relatively easy to fix. Here is a forum post about it, but since I don't have a Windows machine that exhibits this problem I can't trial it. If you figure out how to fix it, please let me know!