bd-j / prospector

Python code for Stellar Population Inference from Spectra and SEDs
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Using the emcee backend with multiprocessing is slower than without multiprocessing #307

Closed noahfranz13 closed 6 months ago

noahfranz13 commented 7 months ago


I've been finding that when using multiprocessing with emcee as the back end MCMC module there are significant slow downs rather than speed ups. I know this is a known issue (feature?) with emcee ( and through a quick look at the source code the issue does seem to be passing inputs into kwargs in emcee.EnsembleSampler ( So, if I'm understanding the prospector code correctly if the pool argument and emcee=True, dynesty=False is passed to fit_model, both kwargs and pool are passed to emcee.EnsembleSampler, and there will be this slowdown as described in the emcee docs. Also, taking a quick look at the prospector source code an easy fix is not immediately apparent to me since user-defined global variables would not only need to be shared throughout a file but across the entire module.

Is this a known issue with prospector? Or, could I be doing something incorrectly with prospector to create this slowdown? And, if not, are there thoughts (or plans already) to fix this?

Timing Results

As a MWE I modified the scipt to include the option for multiprocessing. The code for this is in the collapsible section at the bottom of this issue and includes just the code after if __name__ == '__main__': since that is all I modified in Using python version 3.11.4, prospector version 1.2.0, and emcee version 3.1.4 I found the following time results:

With multiprocessing:

Without multiprocessing:

MWE Code if __name__ == '__main__': # - Parser with default arguments - parser = prospect_args.get_parser() # - Add custom arguments - parser.add_argument('--object_redshift', type=float, default=0.0, help=("Redshift for the model")) parser.add_argument('--add_neb', action="store_true", help="If set, add nebular emission in the model (and mock).") parser.add_argument('--add_duste', action="store_true", help="If set, add dust emission to the model.") parser.add_argument('--luminosity_distance', type=float, default=1e-5, help=("Luminosity distance in Mpc. Defaults to 10pc " "(for case of absolute mags)")) parser.add_argument('--phottable', type=str, default="demo_photometry.dat", help="Names of table from which to get photometry.") parser.add_argument('--objid', type=int, default=0, help="zero-index row number in the table to fit.") parser.add_argument('--mp', dest='mp', action='store_true') parser.set_defaults(mp=False) args = parser.parse_args() run_params = vars(args) obs, model, sps, noise = build_all(**run_params) run_params["sps_libraries"] = sps.ssp.libraries run_params["param_file"] = __file__ print(model) if pool = Pool() else: pool = None if args.debug: sys.exit() #hfile = setup_h5(model=model, obs=obs, **run_params) ts = time.strftime("%y%b%d-%H.%M", time.localtime()) hfile = "{0}_{1}_result.h5".format(args.outfile, ts) output = fit_model(obs, model, sps, noise, pool=pool, **run_params) print("writing to {}".format(hfile)) writer.write_hdf5(hfile, run_params, model, obs, output["sampling"][0], output["optimization"][0], tsample=output["sampling"][1], toptimize=output["optimization"][1], sps=sps) try: hfile.close() except(AttributeError): pass
bd-j commented 7 months ago

I don't have much current experience with shared memory multiprocessing and emcee/prospector. I think it has been used with dynesty (tagging @mjpark-astro), but this might work because of the use of partial here:

Have you looked at the MPI + dynesty + prospector demo at ?

Anyway, I think you are probably right that if it is trying to pickle the sps object and communicate that will cause substantial slowdowns - that is a very large memory object generally.

noahfranz13 commented 7 months ago

I have seen the tutorial on using MPI with dynasty and it was very useful! Sadly, for my case (probably a very niche use case for prospector) I do need to use emcee for the backend.

As far as I can tell, I think using partial to remove the kwargs from lnprob for emcee should work too. I can try to implement it and open a PR sometime next week if you'd like?

bd-j commented 7 months ago

Hi @noahfranz13 if you are set up to test and time that implementation, then yes a PR would be very helpful. Let me know if any questions arise. And thank you for the detailed information in your original comment.

bd-j commented 6 months ago

@noahfranz13 I think we can close this now thanks to your PR. Much appreciated! But feel free to reopen if something is still not resolved.