bdarcus / csl-next-attic

a very tentative experiment ATM ...
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Create input schemas; match template model with it #10

Closed bdarcus closed 1 year ago

bdarcus commented 1 year ago

Add JSON schemas (though use the YAML representation) for citation and references.

Can also combine the first two and last two.

Data types:

Not worrying about for now: rich text, which would at least optionally make all strings lists of objects.

For contributor vs agent vs publisher, see Dublin Core. In the BIBO RDF ontology, which I co-authored, publisher is a relation; an "ObjectProperty", that derives from dcterms:contributor, so I've followed that above.

An agent is an RDF class in that world, independent of the relation between it and a work it contributed to. We don't need to get too pure though.

This is a generalization of #9.

bdarcus commented 1 year ago

@denismaier - my plan is to tackle this next, sometime in the next few days to week, and then revise the template model to match it.

I think at that point it should be ready to discuss more widely.