Closed ishaq closed 10 years ago
I would suggest using the Objective-C SDK that Yahoo created instead of a bare-bones OAuth library such as this one, as it appears that their SDKs do a better job at handling tokens and user sessions without requiring a lot of work on the developer's part. Have a look at their documentation at
yes, I ended up using their ancient SDK. I wanted to use a modern library before but couldn't get their YQL API to work with BDBOAuth1Manager and their web-services are treated as 2nd class citizens.
btw, yahoo's own SDK's token renewal was broken which I fixed (in addition to the crash bug that everyone encounters when they first use it). I guess they started writing it but never finished it (or finished it and never tested it).
After working through Issue #19 and gaining some hands-on experience with Yahoo APIs, I wanted to see if I could get the YQL API working. It turns out to be quite simple - just instantiate an instance of BDBOAuth1Manager with your consumer key and secret and then perform your GET request. The YQL API doesn't require the oauth_token and thus the authorization handshake step is not required.
BDBOAuth1SessionManager *networkManager =
[[BDBOAuth1SessionManager alloc] initWithBaseURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@""]
// Add HTTP 400 to acceptable status codes to ensure we recieve API errors (missing parameters, wrong method, etc) as a success callback.
// We'll then need to check the root element in responseObject to see if the API returned an error.
NSMutableIndexSet *statusCodes = networkManager.responseSerializer.acceptableStatusCodes.mutableCopy;
[statusCodes addIndex:400];
networkManager.responseSerializer.acceptableStatusCodes = statusCodes;
[networkManager GET:@"yql"
parameters:@{@"q": @"SELECT * FROM weather.forecast WHERE woeid = '2354842'", @"format": @"json"}
success:^(NSURLSessionDataTask *task, id responseObject) {
// Call succeeded, parse responseObject...
NSLog(@"%@", responseObject);
failure:^(NSURLSessionDataTask *task, NSError *error) {
// Call failed, handle error.
NSLog(@"%@", error.localizedDescription);
If the request is successful, responseObject should be an instance of NSDictionary. A printout of it gives the following:
2014-07-10 08:13:33.993 Bossy[18942:60b] {
query = {
count = 1;
created = "2014-07-10T12:12:20Z";
lang = "en;q=1";
results = {
channel = {
astronomy = {
sunrise = "6:05 am";
sunset = "9:10 pm";
atmosphere = {
humidity = 75;
pressure = "30.12";
rising = 1;
visibility = 10;
description = "Yahoo! Weather for Ann Arbor, MI";
image = {
height = 18;
link = "";
title = "Yahoo! Weather";
url = "";
width = 142;
item = {
condition = {
code = 30;
date = "Thu, 10 Jul 2014 7:52 am EDT";
temp = 63;
text = "Partly Cloudy";
description = "\n<img src=\"\"/><br />\n<b>Current Conditions:</b><br />\nPartly Cloudy, 63 F<BR />\n<BR /><b>Forecast:</b><BR />\nThu - Mostly Sunny. High: 75 Low: 56<br />\nFri - Mostly Sunny. High: 78 Low: 61<br />\nSat - Scattered Thunderstorms. High: 79 Low: 66<br />\nSun - Scattered Thunderstorms. High: 81 Low: 62<br />\nMon - Scattered Thunderstorms. High: 78 Low: 57<br />\n<br />\n<a href=\"*\">Full Forecast at Yahoo! Weather</a><BR/><BR/>\n(provided by <a href=\"\" >The Weather Channel</a>)<br/>\n";
forecast = (
code = 34;
date = "10 Jul 2014";
day = Thu;
high = 75;
low = 56;
text = "Mostly Sunny";
code = 34;
date = "11 Jul 2014";
day = Fri;
high = 78;
low = 61;
text = "Mostly Sunny";
code = 38;
date = "12 Jul 2014";
day = Sat;
high = 79;
low = 66;
text = "Scattered Thunderstorms";
code = 38;
date = "13 Jul 2014";
day = Sun;
high = 81;
low = 62;
text = "Scattered Thunderstorms";
code = 38;
date = "14 Jul 2014";
day = Mon;
high = 78;
low = 57;
text = "Scattered Thunderstorms";
guid = {
content = "USMI0028_2014_07_14_7_00_EDT";
isPermaLink = false;
lat = "42.29";
link = "*";
long = "-83.72";
pubDate = "Thu, 10 Jul 2014 7:52 am EDT";
title = "Conditions for Ann Arbor, MI at 7:52 am EDT";
language = "en-us";
lastBuildDate = "Thu, 10 Jul 2014 7:52 am EDT";
link = "*";
location = {
city = "Ann Arbor";
country = "United States";
region = MI;
title = "Yahoo! Weather - Ann Arbor, MI";
ttl = 60;
units = {
distance = mi;
pressure = in;
speed = mph;
temperature = F;
wind = {
chill = 63;
direction = 360;
speed = 6;
Hello Bergeron,
I am using BDBOAuth1Manager with Yahoo Social APIs, noticed yahoo's token duration key is named different. So I added it.