bdefore / universal-redux-jwt

An example of universal-redux npm package with JWT authentication
24 stars 7 forks source link

Running from master fails #3

Closed bartolkaruza closed 8 years ago

bartolkaruza commented 8 years ago

Running into below issue on a master checkout against UR 3.0.0-rc29 (unchanged). Any ideas?

[1] ==> 💻  API server running at http://localhost:3030/v1
[0] Loaded project level config from /Users/bartolkaruza/Development/Projects/examples/universal-redux-jwt/config/universal-redux.config.js
[2] ==> 💻  Authentication server running at http://localhost:3060
[0] Babel config:
[0] { presets: [ 'es2015', 'stage-0', 'react' ],
[0]   plugins: 
[0]    [ [ 'transform-runtime' ],
[0]      [ 'typecheck' ],
[0]      [ 'transform-decorators-legacy' ] ],
[0]   env: 
[0]    { development: 
[0]       { plugins: 
[0]          [ [ 'react-transform',
[0]              { transforms: 
[0]                 [ { transform: 'react-transform-hmr',
[0]                     imports: [ 'react' ],
[0]                     locals: [ 'module' ] },
[0]                   { transform: 'react-transform-catch-errors',
[0]                     imports: [ 'react', 'redbox-react' ] } ] } ] ] },
[0]      production: { plugins: [] } },
[0]   cacheDirectory: true }
[0] Webpack config:
[0] { context: '/Users/bartolkaruza/Development/Projects/examples/universal-redux-jwt',
[0]   output: 
[0]    { path: '/Users/bartolkaruza/Development/Projects/examples/universal-redux-jwt/static/dist',
[0]      filename: '[name]-[hash].js',
[0]      chunkFilename: '[name]-[chunkhash].js',
[0]      publicPath: 'http://localhost:3001/dist/' },
[0]   progress: true,
[0]   stats: {},
[0]   failOnError: true,
[0]   entry: 
[0]    { main: 
[0]       [ '/Users/bartolkaruza/Development/Projects/examples/universal-redux-jwt/node_modules/universal-redux/lib/client.js',
[0]         'webpack-hot-middleware/client?path=http://localhost:3001/__webpack_hmr' ] },
[0]   module: 
[0]    { loaders: 
[0]       [ { test: /\.jsx?$/,
[0]           exclude: /node_modules/,
[0]           loaders: [ 'babel-loader?{"presets":["es2015","stage-0","react"],"plugins":[["transform-runtime"],["typecheck"],["transform-decorators-legacy"]],"env":{"development":{"plugins":[["react-transform",{"transforms":[{"transform":"react-transform-hmr","imports":["react"],"locals":["module"]},{"transform":"react-transform-catch-errors","imports":["react","redbox-react"]}]}]]},"production":{"plugins":[]}},"cacheDirectory":true}' ] },
[0]         { test: /\.json$/, loader: 'json-loader' },
[0]         { test: /\.woff(\?v=\d+\.\d+\.\d+)?$/,
[0]           loader: 'url?limit=10000&mimetype=application/font-woff' },
[0]         { test: /\.woff2(\?v=\d+\.\d+\.\d+)?$/,
[0]           loader: 'url?limit=10000&mimetype=application/font-woff' },
[0]         { test: /\.ttf(\?v=\d+\.\d+\.\d+)?$/,
[0]           loader: 'url?limit=10000&mimetype=application/octet-stream' },
[0]         { test: /\.eot(\?v=\d+\.\d+\.\d+)?$/, loader: 'file' },
[0]         { test: /\.(webm|mp4)$/, loader: 'file' },
[0]         { test: /\.svg(\?v=\d+\.\d+\.\d+)?$/,
[0]           loader: 'url?limit=10000&mimetype=image/svg+xml' },
[0]         { test: /\.css$/, loader: 'style!css' },
[0]         { test: /\.less$/,
[0]           loader: 'style!css?modules&importLoaders=2&sourceMap&localIdentName=[local]___[hash:base64:5]!autoprefixer?browsers=last 2 version!less?outputStyle=expanded&sourceMap' },
[0]         { test: /\.scss$/,
[0]           loader: 'style!css?modules&importLoaders=2&sourceMap&localIdentName=[local]___[hash:base64:5]!autoprefixer?browsers=last 2 version!sass?outputStyle=expanded&sourceMap' },
[0]         { test: /\.(jpeg|jpg|png|gif)$/,
[0]           loader: 'url-loader?limit=10240' } ] },
[0]   resolve: 
[0]    { modulesDirectories: [ 'src', 'node_modules' ],
[0]      extensions: [ '', '.json', '.js', '.jsx', '.scss' ],
[0]      root: '/Users/bartolkaruza/Development/Projects/examples/universal-redux-jwt/src',
[0]      alias: 
[0]       { routes: '/Users/bartolkaruza/Development/Projects/examples/universal-redux-jwt/src/routes.js',
[0]         middleware: '/Users/bartolkaruza/Development/Projects/examples/universal-redux-jwt/src/redux/middleware/index.js',
[0]         rootClientComponent: '/Users/bartolkaruza/Development/Projects/examples/universal-redux-jwt/node_modules/universal-redux/lib/client/root.js' } },
[0]   resolveLoader: { modulesDirectories: [ 'src', 'node_modules' ] },
[0]   devtool: 'inline-eval-cheap-source-map',
[0]   plugins: 
[0]    [ HotModuleReplacementPlugin {},
[0]      IgnorePlugin {
[0]        resourceRegExp: /webpack-assets\.json$/,
[0]        contextRegExp: undefined },
[0]      DefinePlugin { definitions: { __CLIENT__: true, __SERVER__: false } },
[0]      Plugin {
[0]        options: 
[0]         { assets: 
[0]            { images: 
[0]               { extensions: [ 'jpeg', 'jpg', 'png', 'gif' ],
[0]                 parser: [Function] },
[0]              fonts: 
[0]               { extensions: [ 'woff', 'woff2', 'ttf', 'eot' ],
[0]                 parser: [Function] },
[0]              videos: { extensions: [ 'webm', 'mp4' ], parser: [Function] },
[0]              svg: { parser: [Function], extensions: [ 'svg' ] },
[0]              style_modules: 
[0]               { extensions: [ 'css', 'less', 'scss' ],
[0]                 filter: [Function],
[0]                 path: [Function],
[0]                 parser: [Function] } },
[0]           webpack_assets_file_path: 'node_modules/universal-redux/webpack-assets.json',
[0]           webpack_stats_file_path: 'webpack-stats.json',
[0]           development: true },
[0]        log: 
[0]         Log {
[0]           options: { debug: undefined },
[0]           preamble: '[webpack-isomorphic-tools/plugin]' },
[0]        regular_expressions: 
[0]         { images: /\.(jpeg|jpg|png|gif)$/,
[0]           fonts: /\.(woff|woff2|ttf|eot)$/,
[0]           videos: /\.(webm|mp4)$/,
[0]           svg: /\.svg$/,
[0]           style_modules: /\.(css|less|scss)$/ },
[0]        regularExpressions: 
[0]         { images: /\.(jpeg|jpg|png|gif)$/,
[0]           fonts: /\.(woff|woff2|ttf|eot)$/,
[0]           videos: /\.(webm|mp4)$/,
[0]           svg: /\.svg$/,
[0]           style_modules: /\.(css|less|scss)$/ } },
[0]      WebpackErrorNotificationPlugin {
[0]        lastBuildSucceeded: false,
[0]        notifier: [Function],
[0]        opts: { notifyWarnings: true } },
[0]      DefinePlugin {
[0]        definitions: 
[0]         { __DEVTOOLS__: 'true',
[0]           __DEVELOPMENT__: true,
[0]           __LOGGER__: 'true',
[0]           __PROVIDERS__: '["react-router","react-router-redux","redux-async-connect"]',
[0]           __DEVTOOLS_IS_VISIBLE__: 'true',
[0]           __API_ENDPOINT__: '"/api"' } } ] }
[0] Isomorphic tools config:
[0] { assets: 
[0]    { images: 
[0]       { extensions: [ 'jpeg', 'jpg', 'png', 'gif' ],
[0]         parser: [Function] },
[0]      fonts: 
[0]       { extensions: [ 'woff', 'woff2', 'ttf', 'eot' ],
[0]         parser: [Function] },
[0]      videos: { extensions: [ 'webm', 'mp4' ], parser: [Function] },
[0]      svg: { extension: 'svg', parser: [Function] },
[0]      style_modules: 
[0]       { extensions: [ 'css', 'less', 'scss' ],
[0]         filter: [Function],
[0]         path: [Function],
[0]         parser: [Function] } },
[0]   webpack_assets_file_path: 'node_modules/universal-redux/webpack-assets.json' }
[0] ==> 🚧  Webpack development server listening on port 3001
[3] universal-redux configuration is valid.
[3] [ 'JWT Config options:',
[3]   { api: { endpoint: '/v1', host: 'http://localhost', port: '3030' },
[3]     auth: 
[3]      { clientId: undefined,
[3]        clientSecret: undefined,
[3]        endpoint: 'http://localhost:3060/authenticate' },
[3]     debug: true,
[3]     endpoint: '/api',
[3]     sessionStore: 
[3]      { type: 'redis',
[3]        prefix: 'jwt-example',
[3]        secret: 'notsosecret',
[3]        url: 'redis://' } } ]
[3] [ 'Using Redis for session store' ]
[3] universal-redux configuration is valid.
[3] universal-redux configuration is valid.
[3] [webpack-isomorphic-tools] [error] "/Users/bartolkaruza/Development/Projects/examples/universal-redux-jwt/node_modules/universal-redux/webpack-assets.json" not found. Most likely it hasn't yet been generated by Webpack. Using an empty stub instead.
[3] [webpack-isomorphic-tools] [error] asset not found: ./~/react-toolbox/lib/ripple/style.scss
[3] [webpack-isomorphic-tools] [error] "/Users/bartolkaruza/Development/Projects/examples/universal-redux-jwt/node_modules/universal-redux/webpack-assets.json" not found. Most likely it hasn't yet been generated by Webpack. Using an empty stub instead.
[3] [webpack-isomorphic-tools] [error] asset not found: ./~/react-toolbox/lib/button/style.scss
[3] [webpack-isomorphic-tools] [error] "/Users/bartolkaruza/Development/Projects/examples/universal-redux-jwt/node_modules/universal-redux/webpack-assets.json" not found. Most likely it hasn't yet been generated by Webpack. Using an empty stub instead.
[3] [webpack-isomorphic-tools] [error] asset not found: ./~/react-toolbox/lib/input/style.scss
[3] [webpack-isomorphic-tools] [error] "/Users/bartolkaruza/Development/Projects/examples/universal-redux-jwt/node_modules/universal-redux/webpack-assets.json" not found. Most likely it hasn't yet been generated by Webpack. Using an empty stub instead.
[3] [webpack-isomorphic-tools] [error] asset not found: ./~/react-toolbox/lib/overlay/style.scss
[3] [webpack-isomorphic-tools] [error] "/Users/bartolkaruza/Development/Projects/examples/universal-redux-jwt/node_modules/universal-redux/webpack-assets.json" not found. Most likely it hasn't yet been generated by Webpack. Using an empty stub instead.
[3] [webpack-isomorphic-tools] [error] asset not found: ./~/react-toolbox/lib/snackbar/style.scss
[3] [webpack-isomorphic-tools] [error] "/Users/bartolkaruza/Development/Projects/examples/universal-redux-jwt/node_modules/universal-redux/webpack-assets.json" not found. Most likely it hasn't yet been generated by Webpack. Using an empty stub instead.
[3] [webpack-isomorphic-tools] [error] asset not found: ./~/react-toolbox/lib/card/style.scss
[3] [webpack-isomorphic-tools] [error] "/Users/bartolkaruza/Development/Projects/examples/universal-redux-jwt/node_modules/universal-redux/webpack-assets.json" not found. Most likely it hasn't yet been generated by Webpack. Using an empty stub instead.
[3] [webpack-isomorphic-tools] [error] asset not found: ./~/react-toolbox/lib/avatar/style.scss
[3] [webpack-isomorphic-tools] [error] "/Users/bartolkaruza/Development/Projects/examples/universal-redux-jwt/node_modules/universal-redux/webpack-assets.json" not found. Most likely it hasn't yet been generated by Webpack. Using an empty stub instead.
[3] [webpack-isomorphic-tools] [error] asset not found: ./~/react-toolbox/lib/commons.scss
[3] [webpack-isomorphic-tools] [error] "/Users/bartolkaruza/Development/Projects/examples/universal-redux-jwt/node_modules/universal-redux/webpack-assets.json" not found. Most likely it hasn't yet been generated by Webpack. Using an empty stub instead.
[3] [webpack-isomorphic-tools] [error] asset not found: ./~/flexboxgrid/dist/flexboxgrid.css
[3] universal-redux configuration is valid.
[3] ==> 💻  Open http://localhost:3000 in a browser to view the app.
[3] [webpack-isomorphic-tools] (waiting for the first Webpack build to finish)
[3] [webpack-isomorphic-tools] (waiting for the first Webpack build to finish)
[0] Hash: 6f1fa28b2b420e1b181e
[0] Version: webpack 1.12.13
[0] Time: 6004ms
[0]                        Asset     Size  Chunks             Chunk Names
[0] main-6f1fa28b2b420e1b181e.js  6.79 MB       0  [emitted]  main
[0] webpack built 6f1fa28b2b420e1b181e in 6004ms
[3] Warning: validateDOMNesting(...): <head> cannot appear as a child of <head>. See Head > head > head.
[3] Warning: Failed propType: Required prop `label` was not specified in `Snackbar`. Check the render method of `App`.
[3] ERROR GENERATING ROOT COMPONENT:   TypeError: Cannot read property 'card' of undefined
[3]   - Card.js:34 new Card
[3]     [universal-redux-jwt]/[react-toolbox]/lib/card/Card.js:34:58
[3]   - ReactCompositeComponent.js:148 [object Object].ReactCompositeComponentMixin.    mountComponent
[3]     [universal-redux-jwt]/[react]/lib/ReactCompositeComponent.js:148:18
[3]   - ReactPerf.js:66 [object Object].wrapper [as mountComponent]
[3]     [universal-redux-jwt]/[react]/lib/ReactPerf.js:66:21
[3]   - ReactReconciler.js:37 Object.ReactReconciler.mountComponent
[3]     [universal-redux-jwt]/[react]/lib/ReactReconciler.js:37:35
[3]   - ReactMultiChild.js:241 ReactDOMComponent.ReactMultiChild.Mixin.mountChildren    [universal-redux-jwt]/[react]/lib/ReactMultiChild.js:241:44
[3]   - ReactDOMComponent.js:591 ReactDOMComponent.Mixin._createContentMarkup
[3]     [universal-redux-jwt]/[react]/lib/ReactDOMComponent.js:591:32
[3]   - ReactDOMComponent.js:479 ReactDOMComponent.Mixin.mountComponent
[3]     [universal-redux-jwt]/[react]/lib/ReactDOMComponent.js:479:29
[3]   - ReactReconciler.js:37 Object.ReactReconciler.mountComponent
[3]     [universal-redux-jwt]/[react]/lib/ReactReconciler.js:37:35
[3]   - ReactMultiChild.js:241 ReactDOMComponent.ReactMultiChild.Mixin.mountChildren    [universal-redux-jwt]/[react]/lib/ReactMultiChild.js:241:44
[3]   - ReactDOMComponent.js:591 ReactDOMComponent.Mixin._createContentMarkup
[3]     [universal-redux-jwt]/[react]/lib/ReactDOMComponent.js:591:32
[3] ERROR GENERATING ROOT COMPONENT:   TypeError: Cannot read property 'card' of undefined
[3]   - Card.js:34 new Card
[3]     [universal-redux-jwt]/[react-toolbox]/lib/card/Card.js:34:58
[3]   - ReactCompositeComponent.js:148 [object Object].ReactCompositeComponentMixin.    mountComponent
[3]     [universal-redux-jwt]/[react]/lib/ReactCompositeComponent.js:148:18
[3]   - ReactPerf.js:66 [object Object].wrapper [as mountComponent]
[3]     [universal-redux-jwt]/[react]/lib/ReactPerf.js:66:21
[3]   - ReactReconciler.js:37 Object.ReactReconciler.mountComponent
[3]     [universal-redux-jwt]/[react]/lib/ReactReconciler.js:37:35
[3]   - ReactMultiChild.js:241 ReactDOMComponent.ReactMultiChild.Mixin.mountChildren    [universal-redux-jwt]/[react]/lib/ReactMultiChild.js:241:44
[3]   - ReactDOMComponent.js:591 ReactDOMComponent.Mixin._createContentMarkup
[3]     [universal-redux-jwt]/[react]/lib/ReactDOMComponent.js:591:32
[3]   - ReactDOMComponent.js:479 ReactDOMComponent.Mixin.mountComponent
[3]     [universal-redux-jwt]/[react]/lib/ReactDOMComponent.js:479:29
[3]   - ReactReconciler.js:37 Object.ReactReconciler.mountComponent
[3]     [universal-redux-jwt]/[react]/lib/ReactReconciler.js:37:35
[3]   - ReactMultiChild.js:241 ReactDOMComponent.ReactMultiChild.Mixin.mountChildren    [universal-redux-jwt]/[react]/lib/ReactMultiChild.js:241:44
[3]   - ReactDOMComponent.js:591 ReactDOMComponent.Mixin._createContentMarkup
[3]     [universal-redux-jwt]/[react]/lib/ReactDOMComponent.js:591:32
Bartols-MacBook-Pro:universal-redux-jwt bartolkaruza$ rm -r node_modules/universal-redux
Bartols-MacBook-Pro:universal-redux-jwt bartolkaruza$ npm install

> universal-redux-jwt@0.0.1 postinstall /Users/bartolkaruza/Development/Projects/examples/universal-redux-jwt
> ./bin/

Skipping post-install Webpack build since environment is development
universal-redux-jwt@0.0.1 /Users/bartolkaruza/Development/Projects/examples/universal-redux-jwt
+-- autoprefixer-loader@3.1.0
| `-- postcss@5.0.14
|   `-- supports-color@3.1.2 
+-- babel-cli@6.4.5
| +-- bin-version-check@2.1.0
| | `-- bin-version@1.0.4
| |   `-- find-versions@1.2.1
| |     `-- meow@3.7.0
| |       `-- object-assign@4.0.1 
| `-- request@2.69.0
|   `-- form-data@1.0.0-rc3
|     `-- async@1.5.2 
+-- better-npm-run@0.0.5
| `-- object-assign@4.0.1 
+-- css-loader@0.23.1
| +-- cssnano@3.4.0
| | +-- object-assign@4.0.1 
| | +-- postcss-minify-font-values@1.0.2
| | | `-- object-assign@4.0.1 
| | `-- postcss-normalize-url@3.0.5
| |   +-- normalize-url@1.4.0
| |   | `-- object-assign@4.0.1 
| |   `-- object-assign@4.0.1 
| `-- object-assign@4.0.1 
+-- eslint@1.10.3
| +-- file-entry-cache@1.2.4
| | +-- flat-cache@1.0.10
| | | `-- del@2.2.0
| | |   +-- globby@4.0.0
| | |   | `-- object-assign@4.0.1 
| | |   `-- object-assign@4.0.1 
| | `-- object-assign@4.0.1 
| +-- handlebars@4.0.5
| | +-- async@1.5.2 
| | `-- source-map@0.4.4 
| `-- object-assign@4.0.1 
+-- eslint-plugin-import@0.12.1
| `-- eslint-import-resolver-node@0.1.1
|   `-- object-assign@4.0.1 
+-- express-jwt-proxy@0.6.2
| `-- request@2.63.0
|   `-- form-data@1.0.0-rc3
|     `-- async@1.5.2 
+-- extract-text-webpack-plugin@1.0.1
| `-- async@1.5.2 
+-- node-sass@3.4.2
| `-- meow@3.7.0
|   `-- object-assign@4.0.1 
+-- UNMET PEER DEPENDENCY react-redux@4.3.0
+-- redux-devtools-dock-monitor@1.0.1
| `-- react-dock@0.2.3
|   `-- object-assign@4.0.1 
+-- sass-loader@3.1.2
| +-- async@1.5.2 
| `-- object-assign@4.0.1 
`-- universal-redux@3.0.0-rc29 
  +-- babel-eslint@5.0.0-beta9 
  +-- babel-loader@6.2.2 
  | `-- object-assign@4.0.1 
  +-- less@2.6.0 
  | +-- graceful-fs@3.0.8 
  | `-- source-map@0.4.4 
  +-- lodash@4.2.1 
  +-- react-transform-catch-errors@1.0.2 
  +-- react-transform-hmr@1.0.2 
  +-- redbox-react@1.2.2 
  +-- redux@3.2.1 
  +-- redux-async-connect@0.1.12 
  +-- redux-devtools@3.1.0 
  +-- redux-devtools-log-monitor@1.0.4 
  | `-- react-json-tree@0.5.2 
  +-- redux-logger@2.5.0 
  `-- webpack@1.12.13 
    +-- async@1.5.2 
    +-- supports-color@3.1.2 
    `-- webpack-core@0.6.8
      `-- source-map@0.4.4 

npm WARN redux-async-connect@0.1.10 requires a peer of react-redux@4.0.x but none was installed.
Bartols-MacBook-Pro:universal-redux-jwt bartolkaruza$ npm run dev

> universal-redux-jwt@0.0.1 dev /Users/bartolkaruza/Development/Projects/examples/universal-redux-jwt
> concurrent --kill-others "npm run watch-client" "npm run api-server" "npm run auth-server" "npm run dev-server"

[1] > universal-redux-jwt@0.0.1 api-server /Users/bartolkaruza/Development/Projects/examples/universal-redux-jwt
[1] > better-npm-run api-server
[0] > universal-redux-jwt@0.0.1 watch-client /Users/bartolkaruza/Development/Projects/examples/universal-redux-jwt
[0] > better-npm-run watch-client
[2] > universal-redux-jwt@0.0.1 auth-server /Users/bartolkaruza/Development/Projects/examples/universal-redux-jwt
[2] > better-npm-run auth-server
[3] > universal-redux-jwt@0.0.1 dev-server /Users/bartolkaruza/Development/Projects/examples/universal-redux-jwt
[3] > better-npm-run dev-server
[2] running better-npm-run in /Users/bartolkaruza/Development/Projects/examples/universal-redux-jwt
[0] running better-npm-run in /Users/bartolkaruza/Development/Projects/examples/universal-redux-jwt
[1] running better-npm-run in /Users/bartolkaruza/Development/Projects/examples/universal-redux-jwt
[2] Executing script: auth-server
[2] to be executed: node ./bin/start_auth 
[1] Executing script: api-server
[1] to be executed: node ./bin/start_api 
[3] running better-npm-run in /Users/bartolkaruza/Development/Projects/examples/universal-redux-jwt
[3] Executing script: dev-server
[3] to be executed: node ./bin/start 
[0] Executing script: watch-client
[0] to be executed: universal-redux-watch 
[0] Loaded project level config from /Users/bartolkaruza/Development/Projects/examples/universal-redux-jwt/config/universal-redux.config.js
[0] Babel config:
[0] { presets: [ 'es2015', 'stage-0', 'react' ],
[0]   plugins: 
[0]    [ [ 'transform-runtime' ],
[0]      [ 'typecheck' ],
[0]      [ 'transform-decorators-legacy' ] ],
[0]   env: 
[0]    { development: 
[0]       { plugins: 
[0]          [ [ 'react-transform',
[0]              { transforms: 
[0]                 [ { transform: 'react-transform-hmr',
[0]                     imports: [ 'react' ],
[0]                     locals: [ 'module' ] },
[0]                   { transform: 'react-transform-catch-errors',
[0]                     imports: [ 'react', 'redbox-react' ] } ] } ] ] },
[0]      production: { plugins: [] } },
[0]   cacheDirectory: true }
[0] Webpack config:
[0] { context: '/Users/bartolkaruza/Development/Projects/examples/universal-redux-jwt',
[0]   output: 
[0]    { path: '/Users/bartolkaruza/Development/Projects/examples/universal-redux-jwt/static/dist',
[0]      filename: '[name]-[hash].js',
[0]      chunkFilename: '[name]-[chunkhash].js',
[0]      publicPath: 'http://localhost:3001/dist/' },
[0]   progress: true,
[0]   stats: {},
[0]   failOnError: true,
[0]   entry: 
[0]    { main: 
[0]       [ '/Users/bartolkaruza/Development/Projects/examples/universal-redux-jwt/node_modules/universal-redux/lib/client.js',
[0]         'webpack-hot-middleware/client?path=http://localhost:3001/__webpack_hmr' ] },
[0]   module: 
[0]    { loaders: 
[0]       [ { test: /\.jsx?$/,
[0]           exclude: /node_modules/,
[0]           loaders: [ 'babel-loader?{"presets":["es2015","stage-0","react"],"plugins":[["transform-runtime"],["typecheck"],["transform-decorators-legacy"]],"env":{"development":{"plugins":[["react-transform",{"transforms":[{"transform":"react-transform-hmr","imports":["react"],"locals":["module"]},{"transform":"react-transform-catch-errors","imports":["react","redbox-react"]}]}]]},"production":{"plugins":[]}},"cacheDirectory":true}' ] },
[0]         { test: /\.json$/, loader: 'json-loader' },
[0]         { test: /\.woff(\?v=\d+\.\d+\.\d+)?$/,
[0]           loader: 'url?limit=10000&mimetype=application/font-woff' },
[0]         { test: /\.woff2(\?v=\d+\.\d+\.\d+)?$/,
[0]           loader: 'url?limit=10000&mimetype=application/font-woff' },
[0]         { test: /\.ttf(\?v=\d+\.\d+\.\d+)?$/,
[0]           loader: 'url?limit=10000&mimetype=application/octet-stream' },
[0]         { test: /\.eot(\?v=\d+\.\d+\.\d+)?$/, loader: 'file' },
[0]         { test: /\.(webm|mp4)$/, loader: 'file' },
[0]         { test: /\.svg(\?v=\d+\.\d+\.\d+)?$/,
[0]           loader: 'url?limit=10000&mimetype=image/svg+xml' },
[0]         { test: /\.css$/, loader: 'style!css' },
[0]         { test: /\.less$/,
[0]           loader: 'style!css?modules&importLoaders=2&sourceMap&localIdentName=[local]___[hash:base64:5]!autoprefixer?browsers=last 2 version!less?outputStyle=expanded&sourceMap' },
[0]         { test: /\.scss$/,
[0]           loader: 'style!css?modules&importLoaders=2&sourceMap&localIdentName=[local]___[hash:base64:5]!autoprefixer?browsers=last 2 version!sass?outputStyle=expanded&sourceMap' },
[0]         { test: /\.(jpeg|jpg|png|gif)$/,
[0]           loader: 'url-loader?limit=10240' } ] },
[0]   resolve: 
[0]    { modulesDirectories: [ 'src', 'node_modules' ],
[0]      extensions: [ '', '.json', '.js', '.jsx', '.scss' ],
[0]      root: '/Users/bartolkaruza/Development/Projects/examples/universal-redux-jwt/src',
[0]      alias: 
[0]       { routes: '/Users/bartolkaruza/Development/Projects/examples/universal-redux-jwt/src/routes.js',
[0]         middleware: '/Users/bartolkaruza/Development/Projects/examples/universal-redux-jwt/src/redux/middleware/index.js',
[0]         rootClientComponent: '/Users/bartolkaruza/Development/Projects/examples/universal-redux-jwt/node_modules/universal-redux/lib/client/root.js' } },
[0]   resolveLoader: { modulesDirectories: [ 'src', 'node_modules' ] },
[0]   devtool: 'inline-eval-cheap-source-map',
[0]   plugins: 
[0]    [ HotModuleReplacementPlugin {},
[0]      IgnorePlugin {
[0]        resourceRegExp: /webpack-assets\.json$/,
[0]        contextRegExp: undefined },
[0]      DefinePlugin { definitions: { __CLIENT__: true, __SERVER__: false } },
[0]      Plugin {
[0]        options: 
[0]         { assets: 
[0]            { images: 
[0]               { extensions: [ 'jpeg', 'jpg', 'png', 'gif' ],
[0]                 parser: [Function] },
[0]              fonts: 
[0]               { extensions: [ 'woff', 'woff2', 'ttf', 'eot' ],
[0]                 parser: [Function] },
[0]              videos: { extensions: [ 'webm', 'mp4' ], parser: [Function] },
[0]              svg: { parser: [Function], extensions: [ 'svg' ] },
[0]              style_modules: 
[0]               { extensions: [ 'css', 'less', 'scss' ],
[0]                 filter: [Function],
[0]                 path: [Function],
[0]                 parser: [Function] } },
[0]           webpack_assets_file_path: 'node_modules/universal-redux/webpack-assets.json',
[0]           webpack_stats_file_path: 'webpack-stats.json',
[0]           development: true },
[0]        log: 
[0]         Log {
[0]           options: { debug: undefined },
[0]           preamble: '[webpack-isomorphic-tools/plugin]' },
[0]        regular_expressions: 
[0]         { images: /\.(jpeg|jpg|png|gif)$/,
[0]           fonts: /\.(woff|woff2|ttf|eot)$/,
[0]           videos: /\.(webm|mp4)$/,
[0]           svg: /\.svg$/,
[0]           style_modules: /\.(css|less|scss)$/ },
[0]        regularExpressions: 
[0]         { images: /\.(jpeg|jpg|png|gif)$/,
[0]           fonts: /\.(woff|woff2|ttf|eot)$/,
[0]           videos: /\.(webm|mp4)$/,
[0]           svg: /\.svg$/,
[0]           style_modules: /\.(css|less|scss)$/ } },
[0]      WebpackErrorNotificationPlugin {
[0]        lastBuildSucceeded: false,
[0]        notifier: [Function],
[0]        opts: { notifyWarnings: true } },
[0]      DefinePlugin {
[0]        definitions: 
[0]         { __DEVTOOLS__: 'true',
[0]           __DEVELOPMENT__: true,
[0]           __LOGGER__: 'true',
[0]           __PROVIDERS__: '["react-router","react-router-redux","redux-async-connect"]',
[0]           __DEVTOOLS_IS_VISIBLE__: 'true',
[0]           __API_ENDPOINT__: '"/api"' } } ] }
[0] Isomorphic tools config:
[0] { assets: 
[0]    { images: 
[0]       { extensions: [ 'jpeg', 'jpg', 'png', 'gif' ],
[0]         parser: [Function] },
[0]      fonts: 
[0]       { extensions: [ 'woff', 'woff2', 'ttf', 'eot' ],
[0]         parser: [Function] },
[0]      videos: { extensions: [ 'webm', 'mp4' ], parser: [Function] },
[0]      svg: { extension: 'svg', parser: [Function] },
[0]      style_modules: 
[0]       { extensions: [ 'css', 'less', 'scss' ],
[0]         filter: [Function],
[0]         path: [Function],
[0]         parser: [Function] } },
[0]   webpack_assets_file_path: 'node_modules/universal-redux/webpack-assets.json' }
[1] ==> 💻  API server running at http://localhost:3030/v1
[2] ==> 💻  Authentication server running at http://localhost:3060
[0] ==> 🚧  Webpack development server listening on port 3001
[3] universal-redux configuration is valid.
[3] [ 'JWT Config options:',
[3]   { api: { endpoint: '/v1', host: 'http://localhost', port: '3030' },
[3]     auth: 
[3]      { clientId: undefined,
[3]        clientSecret: undefined,
[3]        endpoint: 'http://localhost:3060/authenticate' },
[3]     debug: true,
[3]     endpoint: '/api',
[3]     sessionStore: 
[3]      { type: 'redis',
[3]        prefix: 'jwt-example',
[3]        secret: 'notsosecret',
[3]        url: 'redis://' } } ]
[3] [ 'Using Redis for session store' ]
[3] universal-redux configuration is valid.
[3] universal-redux configuration is valid.
[3] [webpack-isomorphic-tools] [error] "/Users/bartolkaruza/Development/Projects/examples/universal-redux-jwt/node_modules/universal-redux/webpack-assets.json" not found. Most likely it hasn't yet been generated by Webpack. Using an empty stub instead.
[3] [webpack-isomorphic-tools] [error] asset not found: ./~/react-toolbox/lib/ripple/style.scss
[3] [webpack-isomorphic-tools] [error] "/Users/bartolkaruza/Development/Projects/examples/universal-redux-jwt/node_modules/universal-redux/webpack-assets.json" not found. Most likely it hasn't yet been generated by Webpack. Using an empty stub instead.
[3] [webpack-isomorphic-tools] [error] asset not found: ./~/react-toolbox/lib/button/style.scss
[3] [webpack-isomorphic-tools] [error] "/Users/bartolkaruza/Development/Projects/examples/universal-redux-jwt/node_modules/universal-redux/webpack-assets.json" not found. Most likely it hasn't yet been generated by Webpack. Using an empty stub instead.
[3] [webpack-isomorphic-tools] [error] asset not found: ./~/react-toolbox/lib/input/style.scss
[3] [webpack-isomorphic-tools] [error] "/Users/bartolkaruza/Development/Projects/examples/universal-redux-jwt/node_modules/universal-redux/webpack-assets.json" not found. Most likely it hasn't yet been generated by Webpack. Using an empty stub instead.
[3] [webpack-isomorphic-tools] [error] asset not found: ./~/react-toolbox/lib/overlay/style.scss
[3] [webpack-isomorphic-tools] [error] "/Users/bartolkaruza/Development/Projects/examples/universal-redux-jwt/node_modules/universal-redux/webpack-assets.json" not found. Most likely it hasn't yet been generated by Webpack. Using an empty stub instead.
[3] [webpack-isomorphic-tools] [error] asset not found: ./~/react-toolbox/lib/snackbar/style.scss
[3] [webpack-isomorphic-tools] [error] "/Users/bartolkaruza/Development/Projects/examples/universal-redux-jwt/node_modules/universal-redux/webpack-assets.json" not found. Most likely it hasn't yet been generated by Webpack. Using an empty stub instead.
[3] [webpack-isomorphic-tools] [error] asset not found: ./~/react-toolbox/lib/card/style.scss
[3] [webpack-isomorphic-tools] [error] "/Users/bartolkaruza/Development/Projects/examples/universal-redux-jwt/node_modules/universal-redux/webpack-assets.json" not found. Most likely it hasn't yet been generated by Webpack. Using an empty stub instead.
[3] [webpack-isomorphic-tools] [error] asset not found: ./~/react-toolbox/lib/avatar/style.scss
[3] [webpack-isomorphic-tools] [error] "/Users/bartolkaruza/Development/Projects/examples/universal-redux-jwt/node_modules/universal-redux/webpack-assets.json" not found. Most likely it hasn't yet been generated by Webpack. Using an empty stub instead.
[3] [webpack-isomorphic-tools] [error] asset not found: ./~/react-toolbox/lib/commons.scss
[3] [webpack-isomorphic-tools] [error] "/Users/bartolkaruza/Development/Projects/examples/universal-redux-jwt/node_modules/universal-redux/webpack-assets.json" not found. Most likely it hasn't yet been generated by Webpack. Using an empty stub instead.
[3] [webpack-isomorphic-tools] [error] asset not found: ./~/flexboxgrid/dist/flexboxgrid.css
[3] universal-redux configuration is valid.
[3] ==> 💻  Open http://localhost:3000 in a browser to view the app.
[3] [webpack-isomorphic-tools] (waiting for the first Webpack build to finish)
[3] [webpack-isomorphic-tools] [error] "/Users/bartolkaruza/Development/Projects/examples/universal-redux-jwt/node_modules/universal-redux/webpack-assets.json" not found. Most likely it hasn't yet been generated by Webpack. Using an empty stub instead.
[3] Warning: validateDOMNesting(...): <head> cannot appear as a child of <head>. See Head > head > head.
[3] Warning: Failed propType: Required prop `label` was not specified in `Snackbar`. Check the render method of `App`.
[3] ERROR GENERATING ROOT COMPONENT:   TypeError: Cannot read property 'card' of undefined
[3]   - Card.js:34 new Card
[3]     [universal-redux-jwt]/[react-toolbox]/lib/card/Card.js:34:58
[3]   - ReactCompositeComponent.js:148 [object Object].ReactCompositeComponentMixin.    mountComponent
[3]     [universal-redux-jwt]/[react]/lib/ReactCompositeComponent.js:148:18
[3]   - ReactPerf.js:66 [object Object].wrapper [as mountComponent]
[3]     [universal-redux-jwt]/[react]/lib/ReactPerf.js:66:21
[3]   - ReactReconciler.js:37 Object.ReactReconciler.mountComponent
[3]     [universal-redux-jwt]/[react]/lib/ReactReconciler.js:37:35
[3]   - ReactMultiChild.js:241 ReactDOMComponent.ReactMultiChild.Mixin.mountChildren    [universal-redux-jwt]/[react]/lib/ReactMultiChild.js:241:44
[3]   - ReactDOMComponent.js:591 ReactDOMComponent.Mixin._createContentMarkup
[3]     [universal-redux-jwt]/[react]/lib/ReactDOMComponent.js:591:32
[3]   - ReactDOMComponent.js:479 ReactDOMComponent.Mixin.mountComponent
[3]     [universal-redux-jwt]/[react]/lib/ReactDOMComponent.js:479:29
[3]   - ReactReconciler.js:37 Object.ReactReconciler.mountComponent
[3]     [universal-redux-jwt]/[react]/lib/ReactReconciler.js:37:35
[3]   - ReactMultiChild.js:241 ReactDOMComponent.ReactMultiChild.Mixin.mountChildren    [universal-redux-jwt]/[react]/lib/ReactMultiChild.js:241:44
[3]   - ReactDOMComponent.js:591 ReactDOMComponent.Mixin._createContentMarkup
[3]     [universal-redux-jwt]/[react]/lib/ReactDOMComponent.js:591:32
[3] [webpack-isomorphic-tools] (waiting for the first Webpack build to finish)
[0] Hash: b89273bb9a1f9391f233
[0] Version: webpack 1.12.13
[0] Time: 6523ms
[0]                        Asset     Size  Chunks             Chunk Names
[0] main-b89273bb9a1f9391f233.js  6.79 MB       0  [emitted]  main
[0] webpack built b89273bb9a1f9391f233 in 6523ms
bdefore commented 8 years ago

@bartolkaruza If I'm reading this correctly, you're seeing the error of TypeError: Cannot read property 'card' of undefined every time you start npm run dev ? I'm familiar with that error on the first run but it appears to go away after running it a second time. Your output here though indicates that you aren't able to get past it though?

bartolkaruza commented 8 years ago

@bdefore Issue went away after a restart. It was happening on consecutive runs of npm run dev. I can't reproduce it now anymore.