bdesham / reading_time

A Liquid filter to estimate how long a passage of text will take to read.
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it can not use in chinese #2

Open samzeng opened 10 years ago

samzeng commented 10 years ago

nice work, please fixes in chinese...

bdesham commented 9 years ago

I don’t know Chinese. Can you provide me with some kind of algorithm for determining the reading time and number of words of a piece of Chinese text?

(I guess the concept of “number of words” may not map directly from English…)

x43x61x69 commented 9 years ago

According to what I've read from "Tsai, C. H., & McConkie, G. W. (1995, December). The perceptual span in reading Chinese text: A moving window study." (Paper presented at the Seventh International Conference on the Cognitive Processing of Chinese and Other Asian Languages, Hong Kong.) It'd be around 580 Chinese "characters" per minute. However, if you count as "word" (which means several characters combine to form a meaningful "phrase" in Chinese), it'd ~400 "words" per minute. (Which is impossible to calculate easily by math along.)

So I think 550 - 600 will do.