bdkjones / CodeKit-1-Old

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Going crazy Less+Scss at same time #638

Closed shanimal closed 11 years ago

shanimal commented 11 years ago

I was delighted to find that when I first installed CodeKit I could import Less files into my Scss files?!!! I just installed the update and this doesn't seem to be the case anymore.

Maybe I was imagining things, but if I was... my imagination is brilliant!

bdkjones commented 11 years ago

... Nope. That should definitely not be possible and would be a large bug. Please send me an example that demos the issue.

shanimal commented 11 years ago

Large bug, should definitely not be possible? That's not right. Come on.

Maybe I'm asking for the impossible? Fair enough.

The use case is pretty straight forward. I want to add twitter bootstrap (Less) in my project (Sass)

It would look something like this...

    $purple: rgb(99,50,126);
@import "variables.less";

// import bootstrap
// @import "bootstrap/less/variables.less";
@import "bootstrap/less/accordion.less";
@import "bootstrap/less/alerts.less";

hr {

I'm convinced I'm not alone when people have taken the time to build github projects to port Less->Sass / Sass->Less. I can't seem to find one that isn't deprecated/defunct.

bdkjones commented 11 years ago

Sorry, pal. I don't have control over the compilers and they would flip the hell out if you tried to pass them this.

shanimal commented 11 years ago

No troubles scooter. That's what I figured.