bdkjones / CodeKit-1-Old

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Build Features #665

Open andrefelipe opened 11 years ago

andrefelipe commented 11 years ago

Hi Bryan, let me share with you my most wanted feature requests. I know some may be out of the project's concept, but I'd better share than be quiet :)

They all surround the build process. I use the HTML5 Boilerplate Ant Build Script but I'd like to stop using it because it's just too buggy and hard to customize (simple things like having 2 css files or more javascript files to concatenate is a headache to change). So I wonder about the lovely idea to have Codekit handle it all.

Here they are:

1- HTML minification

2- CSS, JS file name revision on the output files, and update the HTML files to those new filenames.

3- And to make it all possible: to have the option to build the project into another folder.

I usually build the projects into a local GIT folder, then just commit the changes to the production server —a really life saving process for every day — so to have Codekit to offer that would make it my dev life nicer, and I guess that's what Codekit is all about.

bdkjones commented 11 years ago

Hi André,

1- HTML minification

The reason CodeKit does not currently offer this is that there are no bulletproof HTML minifiers out there. All of the ones I can find break in certain edge cases, which makes them unacceptable for inclusion in CodeKit.

2- CSS, JS file name revision on the output files, and update the HTML files to those new filenames.

There's no need to do this if you disable the cache in your browser during development. That's a bit easier than trying to use a new filename each time to defeat browser caching.

3- And to make it all possible: to have the option to build the project into another folder.

I usually build the projects into a local GIT folder, then just commit the changes to the production server —a really life saving process for every day — so to have Codekit to offer that would make it my dev life nicer, and I guess that's what Codekit is all about.

Yea... there are other tools out there that do this. CodeKit is designed to avoid a "build" phase. It works seamlessly within your project, compiling and updating things on the fly as you save so that you don't NEED to ever build the project into a separate folder. In all, I think that's a better, more efficient and smoother workflow than running a "build" process manually.

andrefelipe commented 11 years ago

Hi Brian, thanks for your time and input.

I understand your position to not have a build process, that's good for Codekit and you should stick to your vision.

Regarding the CSS, JS filename revision I mean for the production server, on local I already disable the cache. I will keep trying to automate this in another way, maybe on a GIT hook, maybe I throw the build process altogether.