bdkjones / CodeKit-1-Old

147 stars 1 forks source link

New project doesn't show any file #692

Closed minimalart closed 10 years ago

minimalart commented 10 years ago

Hi, I've using Codekit for a while with several projects, and today, first time after updating to Maverick and Codekit 1.9.2 when I create a new project the files (jade and scss) doesn`t appear in main window. I refreshed the project once and again, removed project, removed codekit-config.json, re-added project and files still missing. Then I downloaded and installed a fresh copy of Codekit with no luck. Also, I tried to add files to another (old) project, and they're working fine there. Is it a bug or I'm doing something wrong?

This is my project folder tree:

And this is my codekit-config-json { "CodeKitInfo" : "This is a CodeKit project configuration file. It is designed to sync project settings across multiple machines. Modifying the contents of this file can be a poor life decision if you don't know what you're doing. This file is not useful unless accompanied by the project that created it in CodeKit. For more information, see: http:\/\/\/codekit", "creatorBuild" : "8376", "files" : {

}, "manualImportLinks" : [

], "projectSettings" : { "hamlNoEscapeInAttributes" : 0, "kitAutoOutputPathStyle" : 0, "lessOutputStyle" : 0, "hamlAutoOutputPathReplace2" : "", "draggedImportConcatenationStyle" : 1, "jadeAutoOutputPathStyle" : 1, "hamlEscapeHTMLCharacters" : 0, "javascriptAutoOutputPathStyle" : 0, "hamlOutputFormat" : 2, "stylusAutoOutputPathReplace1" : "stylus", "lessStrictImports" : 0, "sassAutoOutputPathStyle" : 1, "stylusAutoOutputPathReplace2" : "css", "lessAutoOutputPathStyle" : 2, "lessIECompatibility" : 1, "genericWebpageFileExtensionsString" : "html, htm, shtml, shtm, xhtml, php, jsp, asp, aspx, erb, ctp", "lessStrictUnits" : 0, "lessStrictMath" : 0, "coffeeMinifyOutput" : 1, "javascriptOutputSuffix" : "-ck", "jadeOutputStyle" : 0, "coffeeAutoOutputPathStyle" : 0, "autoSyncProjectSettingsFile" : 1, "lessAutoOutputPathReplace1" : "less", "jadeAutoOutputPathReplace1" : "", "lessAutoOutputPathRelativePath" : "..\/css", "hamlAutoOutputPathRelativePath" : "..\/", "jsCheckerReservedNamesString" : "", "javascriptOutputStyle" : 1, "stylusDebugStyle" : 0, "hamlUseCDATA" : 0, "hamlAutoOutputPathStyle" : 2, "sassDebugStyle" : 0, "hamlOutputStyle" : 0, "stylusAutoOutputPathRelativePath" : "..\/css", "jsCheckerIndent" : 4, "kitAutoOutputPathRelativePath" : "", "lessAutoOutputPathReplace2" : "css", "jadeAutoOutputPathReplace2" : "", "shouldRunBless" : 0, "stylusAutoOutputPathStyle" : 2, "coffeeCheckOutputStyle" : 0, "slimOutputStyle" : 1, "javascriptSyntaxCheckerStyle" : 1, "sassAutoOutputPathReplace1" : "sass", "slimAutoOutputPathReplace1" : "", "sassOutputStyle" : 0, "coffeeAutoOutputPathRelativePath" : "", "slimCompileOnly" : 0, "slimLogicless" : 0, "uglifyIndent" : 4, "jadeAutoOutputPathRelativePath" : "public", "hamlUseUnixNewlines" : 0, "hamlAutoOutputPathReplace1" : "", "javascriptAutoOutputPathReplace1" : "", "stylusOutputStyle" : 0, "javascriptAutoOutputPathReplace2" : "", "sassAutoOutputPathRelativePath" : "public\/css", "coffeeAutoOutputPathReplace1" : "", "hamlUseDoubleQuotes" : 0, "coffeeAutoOutputPathReplace2" : "", "kitAutoOutputPathReplace1" : "", "uglifyReservedNamesString" : "", "coffeeOutputStyle" : 0, "slimAutoOutputPathRelativePath" : "", "jsHintFlags" : { "latedef" : 1, "newcap" : 1, "curly" : 1, "trailing" : 1, "nonew" : 1, "es3" : 0, "freeze" : 1, "yui" : 0, "mootools" : 0, "proto" : 0, "boss" : 0, "funcscope" : 0, "jquery" : 1, "esnext" : 0, "camelcase" : 0, "dojo" : 0, "strict" : 0, "devel" : 0, "wsh" : 0, "nonstandard" : 0, "asi" : 0, "moz" : 0, "rhino" : 0, "smarttabs" : 0, "lastsemic" : 0, "noempty" : 0, "eqnull" : 0, "eqeqeq" : 1, "couch" : 0, "evil" : 0, "expr" : 0, "immed" : 0, "globalstrict" : 0, "undef" : 1, "iterator" : 0, "prototypejs" : 0, "noarg" : 1, "supernew" : 0, "node" : 0, "unused" : 1, "debug" : 0, "bitwise" : 1, "notypeof" : 1, "white" : 0, "browser" : 1, "worker" : 0, "laxcomma" : 0, "multistr" : 0, "shadow" : 0, "sub" : 0, "plusplus" : 0, "scripturl" : 0, "forin" : 0, "loopfunc" : 0, "laxbreak" : 0 }, "jsLintFlags" : { "white" : 0, "unparam" : 0, "regexp" : 0, "nomen" : 0, "vars" : 0, "sub" : 0, "stupid" : 0, "continue" : 0, "bitwise" : 0, "newcap" : 0, "sloppy" : 0, "closure" : 0, "browser" : 1, "properties" : 0, "plusplus" : 0, "debug" : 0, "forin" : 0, "eqeq" : 0, "evil" : 0, "node" : 0, "rhino" : 0, "devel" : 0, "ass" : 0 }, "uglifyFlags" : { "no-mangle-functions" : 0, "no-mangle" : 0, "no-copyright" : 0, "no-dead-code" : 0, "inline-script" : 0, "ascii" : 0, "unsafe" : 0, "mangle-toplevel" : 0, "no-seqs" : 1, "beautify" : 0, "lift-vars" : 0, "consolidate-primitive-values" : 0, "no-squeeze" : 0 }, "sassAutoOutputPathReplace2" : "css", "slimAutoOutputPathReplace2" : "", "jadeCompileDebug" : 1, "slimRailsCompatible" : 0, "kitAutoOutputPathReplace2" : "", "lessRelativeURLS" : 0, "lessDebugStyle" : 0, "javascriptAutoOutputPathRelativePath" : "", "slimAutoOutputPathStyle" : 0 }, "projectAttributes" : { "bourbonEnabled" : 1, "displayValue" : "educabot", "displayValueWasSetByUser" : 0, "compassEnabled" : 0 } }

Thanks in advance for any help

minimalart commented 10 years ago

Wrong indent, sorry. Correct folder tree

project/source/jade/index.jade <--- this files is missing in Codekit
project/source/sass/main.scss <---- missing
bdkjones commented 10 years ago

You’ve likely got a corrupt data file. Try resetting the app by quitting it and then relaunching while holding down the shift key.

On 29 Oct 2013, at 20:36, minimalart wrote:

Wrong indent, sorry. Correct folder tree

project project/source project/source/jade project/source/jade/index.jade <--- this files is missing in Codekit project/source/sass project/source/sass/main.scss <---- missing /public — Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

minimalart commented 10 years ago

No, still doesn´t show any file inside the project folder.

bdkjones commented 10 years ago

Have you added anything to the Skipped Items list in the preferences window?

minimalart commented 10 years ago

I'm an IDIOT. I don't remember when or why, but "source" was there. Thanks so much and I'm very sorry for wasting your time.