bdkjones / CodeKit-1-Old

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LESS @import external URL gives false Successful compilation message and no output file #712

Open jambox opened 10 years ago

jambox commented 10 years ago

I just spent a while trying to figure out why my CodeKit claimed "File compiled successfully" but wasn't creating an output file. Eventually I opened up (thanks) and when I saved my .less file it screamed "resource '//' was not found". So, it turns out

@import url("//");

was failing silently and not throwing a compiler error. After a quick search I realized I had to add "(css)" in front of the url to keep it from crashing:

@import (css) url("//");

So, I don't expect CodeKit to give me a how-to on including web fonts, but if the output file isn't being generated, it should at least give me the big ol' red X on the compiler log...
