bdkjones / CodeKit-1-Old

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Backblaze reason why Codekit doesn't compile and crashes? #716

Closed bartligthart closed 10 years ago

bartligthart commented 10 years ago

In another thread I've found this advice why codekit is crashing all the time. I realised I just installed Backblaze. This is a product that backups all my files on my mac. I want my files to keep being backed up. But codekit isn't working at all right now. How can I fix this?

3) Browser plugins / conflicting apps: are you watching a folder in CodeKit that's being managed by a service like SugarSync or Dropbox?

bdkjones commented 10 years ago

The first thing to do is reset CodeKit by quitting the app and then relaunching it while holding down the shift key. That will clear everything out and give you a fresh start.

If the issue persists, you'll need to pause BackBlaze while using CodeKit, as the two apps are likely conflicting with file-change notifications.

bartligthart commented 10 years ago

This does not fix it. I've tried to restart codekit while holding down the shift key several times. Starting the app takes like 4 minutes and if I save a scss file it also takes a long time. The app also takes a lot of memory.

Backblaze is on pauze and the whole folder is excluded from backing up.

bdkjones commented 10 years ago

If the app is still taking 4 minutes to launch, you're not performing the shift-start correctly. You need to quit the app, then press the shift key and launch CodeKit and keep the key held until you see CodeKit's window come up.

bartligthart commented 10 years ago

Tried it a few times didn't work. I removed the app with Appcleaner and then installed codekit again. Everything works fine now. Thanks for the help.